At A Glance: Magnolia Grandiflora

Nov 19 013

Nov 19 014


2007 Silver Holiday (17)

2007 Barrett Holiday (5)

2007 Barrett Holiday (8)

Dec 14 2008 013

2007 Silver Holiday (16)


Still Raining

Dec 3 012The raindrop pots got their topdressing yesterday.  I decided a mix of noble fir and fresh silver dollar eucalyptus would be just the thing to set off all that glass.  The eucalyptus wavers in the slightest breeze-just like that glass.  The color is bright-not a bad choice for weather which is predominately overcast.  A little morning rain gave everything a fresh look.

Dec 2b 008Eucalyptus stems are wiry, but slight.  Sandwiching them between the stiff layers of the fir gives them some much needed support. Up close, the red stems repeat the red/brown crabapple trunks-this a visual bonus. The network of stems need to resist the weight of the snow that is sure to come. Much like arranging a vase of flowers, we cross stems over one another.  Under the green, a woody nest.

Dec 3 003Pam made quick work of this phase; the fact that she is a great gardener endows her work with a natural and graceful feeling. The greens were stuffed slightly wider that the dripline established by the glass.  The dry foam form into which all of these greens are stuffed are bricks that have been glued together, and wired with concrete wire.  We have only to come by some sunlight to get some sparkle going on.   

Dec 3a 005Rob decided to light the pots with strings of clear c-9 bulbs. We set them well into the foliage;  the green cords are not a good look. This warm light is in contrast to all the attendant blue, makes much of the warm brown of the trunks, and the olive orange winter color of the boxwood.  

Dec 3a 007Late in the day, the drops start picking up light from the bottom.  The eucalyptus discs repeat the round shapes of the drops.

Dec 4 005
By 6pm, the party is just getting started. 

Dec 4a 002

At 7am this morning, I see our full moon has a little company on the ground.  Clear skies are forecast for today-I can’t wait.

The Raindrops

Dec 1a 012I do so enjoy decorating the front of the shop for the winter. Ideas start surfacing in October, as it may take me six weeks to make up my mind.  November first I planted these six crabapples in my pots-a first step.   I took my further cue from Rob, and his client Claudia, this year.  She has been collecting prisms for years; she hangs them from the branches of her trees in the winter. Glass lightcatchers. Her idea enchanted him such that he loaded the shop with all manner of chandelier prisms, raindrops and icicles. 

Dec 1a 014I fell in love with the idea of the glass drops.  The 30 boxes of inch long glass drops I needed to dress these Coralburst crabs sold out in a matter of days.  Most holiday ornament is manufactured to order; we place most of our orders in January for the following winter season.  No one had these little glass blobs available, in spite of my idea to organize my winter pots around them.

Dec 2a 002The only drops I could find after days of searching were nine inches long.  At the moment I was willing to give up, a supplier had numbers of these very long drops in stock-I fretted for an hour about the long length; would they blow around and break?  I fretted another hour, and then ordered a case-432.   Funny how the only ornament available can sometimes turn out to be just the right thing.  We attached 410 glass drops to these six trees; it was my job to cut off the tags, and attach long wires.  Four of us spent three hours getting those raindrops up there.  

Dec 1a 017How they caught the late day light was beautiful. We did try to place them such that a big wind would result in not so many losses. Some design involves risk; who knows what nature might send my way. Should we loose some, so be it.    

Dec 2a 006At 4:30 in the afternoon, these black and blue drops have my attention. At my request, Buck fished my Mom’s tripod out.  The idea of a tripod for my camera bores me beyond all belief, but I knew I needed one now.  A  photographic record of how the available light would endow these drops would need a hand steadier than mine. 

Dec 2a 005 By 5:30 pm, my clear skies have gone blue. The drop stalks are almost invisible; the bulbs have gone a curvy black.  What I am paying so much attention to outdoors now is singular to this time of year. I would suggest that if great design is on your mind, first and foremost,tune in to what is around you, and be persistent with what you see; something will come.

Dec 2 022

At 5:30 this morning, the shop was dark.  I came in very early; I was so excited to see the full moon, and use the tripod.   I could barely see to compose this photograph. I felt like I was talking to her- setting up, fussing and fuming. My camera was entirely still and stable on that tripod I inherited some years ago, but never until today, used.  Thanks a lot, Mom. An impossibly long exposure recorded this. My fence was thrown blue from a security light; the cream colored block building next door makes even more of that blue. The purple sky-gorgeous. Make fun of me if you will, but what I saw this morning made me sing.  Capturing the light-a garden activity I highly recommend.

Dec 2 023

The drops are heliotrope blue and turquoise with a silver shimmer-what an outfit for these somber crabapples. Now, the tops of the pots need something-what thing?

Shedding Light On The Situation

Kiriluk Christmas 2006 (1)This sassy arrangement of winter pots reminds me much of the client to whom they belong.  She has an eye all her own, and doesn’t mind using it; this makes it easy to design for her. Tall thin woven planters make a forest of the porch.  The distinct curving silhouette of the fantail willow makes a saucy statement up top in the large willow baskets.  Four smaller roughly woven grapevine planters get a topping of twigs, chubby grapevine wreaths and chartreuse netting.  Smashing.  

Kiriluk Christmas 2006 (4)Lighting the twig baskets themselves is unexpected and very effective. Multiple strings of mini lights with brown cords make it clear even during the daytime,  that strong seasonal lighting can create a special look all its own.  This big dose of lighting fun can’t help but make one feel better.   

Hudas (36)The summer plantings in these boxes, and pots are a welcome contrast to the stark and edited landscape. This picture makes me sigh just looking at it-this garden moment is a memory now. 

2007 Hudas HOLIDAY 12-13-07 (4)The winter demands a whole new set of materials. The effect is more formal, and more subtle.  The landscape still looks finished, even though the garden has gone down.  Having the energy to pursue a project at its end with the same energy evident that I had at the start has much to do with the success of a design. 

Hudas christmas 2006 (2)The lighting adds a dimension that responds to the fact of our quiet and dim winter season. Is there a need to give in-not so much. 

Baumgartner1 (15)The quiet and graceful arrangements in these containers rely on an interplay of color and texture.  The subtle reverie of pale blue eucalyptus and yellow twig dogwood contrast with the highly textured white pine.  The dusting of snow is so beautiful. Weather plays just as important a role here as it does in the greater landscape. 

Baumgartner1 (4)The lit topiary sculptures make another statement all together.  Dressed for an evening out, these topiaries have the added bonus of bathing the entire porch area in a warm winter glow.

chicago05 in store (6)The transition from fall to winter can be a bleak one. This old finial looks chilly, now that the leaves have dropped from the lindens.   

2008 store front 1-1-08 (12)
Fortunately nature has a way of providing her own special brand of winter light.  The white snow catches and reflects all the available light however litlle there might be-even at night.  Though I have been known to complain about the 6 months I have to spend gardening alternatively, in truth I would not give this season up.  The snow cloche-lovely.