Made in Michigan

My exasperation with UPS shipping regulations partially fueled my decision to make garden ornament.  They have a 105 inch rule: the length of a box, plus the diameter of its width, cannot exceed 105 inches.  What vine trellis is tall enough at 105 inches? What plant stake is tall enough?  Anything bigger has to be shipped motor freight, at much greater expense.  The other part of my decision was feeling like the design of such structures was not the best-could a tuteur not be beautiful with nothing on it?  Or holiday lights on it for the winter? Why are all plant supports invariably straight sided?  Most of the plants I think need support are small coming out of the ground, and floppy at the top.  Why are plant stakes only 4 feet tall, with no length to put below ground for stability?  steel7

Why are they straight poles-with no arc that mimics the natural growth of a plant? A pole in the ground twists with the wind; why don’t plant stakes have prongs at the bottom?

steel8Why do plant stakes come to a point that could poke you,  if you aren’t watching what you are doing? Why aren’t the tuteurs beautiful shapes??�
Some clematis grow to 10 feet,others much taller.  Peonies need a different size suport system than a cherry tomato. Asparagus in my garden needs three rings, not two.  My local clients, not needing UPS shipping, get properly scaled plant climbers and towers that fit their plants.  And tuteurs that I think are beautiful and sculptural in their own right. �
Rectangular boxes can be a perfect shape for certain locations.  But ready made ones are always too long, or too short, or too tall, or too low.  Designing ornament allows me to have control over that oft forgotten landscape element with regard to a specific space or garden.
Steel and weather makes for a bad mix-unless you have a penchant for rust.  A case in point, the Mackinac Bridge which spans the Upper and Lower Peninsula of Michigan , is perpetually being painted.  Every day, every year.  The paint is a rust inhibitor, not a rust proofing.  Rust can weaken steel-not a good thing for a bridge 5 miles long. The worst effects of rust in a garden is stains on your khakis, or your limestone caps.  So our first step towards a virtually maintenance free finish on steel is to haul our things to a galvanizing plant.  Each item is attached with hooks to a rack; this assembly is then lowered into a bath of molten zinc.  Thus the term “hot dip ” galvanizing.
The galvanizing is protection only insofar at the item is completely immersed, so it coats every surface entirely.  We have our tricks for spot finishing those areas that sometimes get left uncoated.  This is the stage that gleams bright, and looks brand spanking new.   Our final coat involves acid; this treatment turns the silver to a streaky black-gray color, very reminiscent of lead.  This color helps fit the object into the landscape-as if it had always been there.�

The Music of the Spheres

sphereThough I am fond of almost every geometric shape, I am especially enamored of spheres.  Spheres in any material or arrangement.
I manufacture large garden spheres, thanks to the conceptual and fabrication talents of one Buck Moffat.  An architect for 30 years, he now fabricates pergolas, boxes, furniture-and these spheres, from welded steel.  We galvanize and acid-wash the raw steel, which produces a finish not unlike the look of lead.
This finish is as close to permanent and maintenance-free of any exterior finish on steel that I have seen.  Although I recognize that anything to do with gardening, or life for that matter, requires maintenance, I like these things that quietly and effective resist the elements.
Designing and fabricating these spheres was his idea.  Only after he built the first one, did he do a CAD drawing of it.  Its a gift, to be able to conceptualize like this. He’s a person who loves old industrial steel in any form-bridges, buildings, gears and the like.  He thinks the old factories along the Rouge River in Detroit are gorgeous. One of his favorite possessions is a collection of the fabrication drawings for the Eiffel Tower.
It’s quite a feat, building these spheres.  The strap steel is rolled, hoisted up on a bridge crane, then each strap is placed on a specially made jig- in order to spin the steel ribs in the round without having to lift  them.   Each juncture is hand riveted, so the finished shape is precisely spherical.  They have mass and presence with no mass.  They describe a  specific volume of air. They are all the more compelling for what isn’t there.  I have seen them roll off in a wind.
The rod steel spheres approximate a perfect sphere in a believable way, and are less labor intensive to construct. We hang them from trees, set them in very large containers, or simply roll them onto a lawn. Most large spheres I see are constructed in two hemispheres. This just isn’t the same, as a sphere all of a piece.�
Jonathon Hofley owns the Michigan Gardener Magazine, and Motor City Publishing;  he has done all of my advertising and PR for many years.  He kindly agreed to photograph the spheres for me in the tall grass which came with the property where Buck makes these spheres;  thanks, Jonathon.sphere7

Like a good landscape, these spheres look all the better for the environment in which they are placed .sphere8

That garden sculpture can energize a landscape space with a particular point of view is a given. But I hear music when I look at these spheres.

What I Mean by Beautiful Pots


Beautiful pots are not only about beautiful plant material, designed and planted in an interesting, or lovely, or architectural way, and well grown. There is the matter of the pots themselves.


Pots could be loosely defined as anything that holds soil, and drains water away.  Once in my twenties I planted four plastic garbage cans (I drilled holes in the sides and bottom) and planted all my vegetables and herbs in them.  My first and only concern was my tomatoes, and what I was growing with them for my salads. It was easy to weed, groom, and pick, standing up.


I have a much different view of pots now.  They are an important sculptural element of the planting as a whole.  They make suggestions about what would look good planted in them, if you ask. They make themselves at home in your landscape.  Many are as beautiful empty as they are planted; some containers need planting.

bigbeautiful9Once you plant an old galvanized bucket with geraniums and strawberries, the eye sees that object in a different way.

Some pots I am not fond of. Most fiberglass and plastic pots have a visually unpleasant surface-no romance there.  These I avoid.  I like genuine materials.  I don’t think this makes me a pot-snob. I have seen vintage baskets and buckets, wood boxes, stainless steel milk pails, and livestock troughs completely transformed visually by someone’s idea to plant them.

If I had to name a favorite, my Compton Pottery snake pot, made during the arts and crafts period in England would rank high on my list.

bigbeautiful8 It was a 50th birthday present, from me, to me. Every time I look at it, I feel the history of the object, and my own garden making.  It is the emotional equivalent of a trip to Europe, touring other gardens, whose pots tell me something about the gardeners who planted them.
