Rob has lots of clients for who he designs and constructs holiday and winter arrangements. Most of them feature light in one form or another. One particular client that with whom he shares a great rapport contacts him in early November every year about a holiday scheme. They are thick as thieves for weeks, planning. Years ago she bought his first light ring, made from a vintage wheel. The result of their collaboration is always beautiful. It is a testament to what good things can come from a long standing design relationship based on respect and exchange.
Holiday elements that have been part of her collection for some time are remixed every year. There are those people who like the holiday the same every year, and those who like to change it up. Change doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning old materials for new. It means a willingness to re imagine. One thing the two of them share is a big love of the holiday season. It shows in the work. I asked her if I could post pictures of this year’s holidays-she said yes. Some are her pictures, and some are Rob’s. Though no picture could truly do justice to the work, you’ll get the gist of it.
bottom lit container
12 foot red flocked Christmas tree