This coming July 16th will be the 10th year that Detroit Garden Works and Deborah Silver and Co have sponsored a tour of our landscapes and gardens to benefit The Greening of Detroit. The tour is a fund raiser for an organization behind which we put all of our weight. The Greening of Detroit? From their website: “Between 1950 and 1980, around 500,000 trees were lost in Detroit to Dutch elm disease, urban expansion and attrition. Troubled by this deforestation of a great city, Elizabeth Gordon Sachs devoted herself to reforesting the city. She played a key role in the 1989 founding of The Greening of Detroit. During that same time, economic constraints prohibited the city from replacing those trees. The Greening of Detroit was founded in 1989 with a single focus in mind – restore the city’s tree infrastructure.” Their goal was big and bold. In the past 28 years, they have made a mission of nurturing a stewardship of the land that the City of Detroit occupies. We are very interested in what they do. If you are too, read on. The Greening Of Detroit Pictured above is Rob, manning his summer drink bar at the cruise afterglow dinner and drinks in 2008. We try to make it interesting and fun for gardeners to contribute to The Greening.
They describe their mission loud and clear. “Our focus at The Greening of Detroit is to enhance the quality of life for Detroiters by planting trees, repurposing the land to create beautiful and productive green spaces and helping communities rebuild their neighborhoods one lot at a time. We involve Detroiters in the process through community engagement, education and jobs.” This is a simple and succinct description of what they do, although the reality is much more complicated and labor intensive. I know first hand how hard each and every one of them works to create green spaces, and how they teach that a respect and an association with nature makes for a better life. I have participated in their events at the Eastern market in Detroit, specifically geared towards growing vegetables at home. I was knocked out by the numbers of people who attended my talk. Every vegetable pot I planted had a Detroiter willing to take it home, and grow it on. That experience will always be with me. Putting on a garden tour is the least I could do to help make my city more leafy. I am pictured on the far right of the picture above, sitting close to my good friend, extraordinary gardener and supporter of everything green, Judy C. She has attended 9 years of cruises, just like me. Gardening can be a fairly solitary occupation. But over the garden, we are close. A love of nature makes it possible for The Greening of Detroit to carry on their work.
I sit on the board of the Greening, although I do not attend their board meetings. I am much more effective as a doer, than a discusser. So I made a commitment to raise money for them. To date, we have raised over 107,500.00 in support of their programs. A tour ticket is 35.00 per person. A 50.00 ticket gets any tour attendee a swell supper, and summer cocktails mixed up by Rob at Detroit Garden Works after the tour. Be advised that his signature gin and tonic this year will feature The Botanist Gin. Every cent of the money raised from ticket sales goes to the Greening of Detroit. Whatever it costs us to put on the tour is at our expense. This is our donation to a cause we believe in. What you spend for a ticket to tour goes to fund their employment, educational and planting projects. This year’s tour will be terrific, I promise. 6 landscapes and gardens that are well worth seeing. For more information about the tour, visit our website: the 2017 Garden Cruise Our treasured client Jane C has brought as many members of her family to the cruise every year as she can. This picture taken in my yard in 2014 still makes me smile. Thanks so much, Jane!
I have another good reason to smile. I am very pleased to announce that Garden Design Magazine has agreed to co-sponsor our garden tour in support of the Greening of Detroit. Thank you, Garden Design! Their quarterly publication features the best that American gardening and landscape design has to offer. They deliver an ad free publication that you will savor and save. Chock full of anything and everything that would interest a gardener, article after article are accompanied by astonishingly beautiful photographs. Should you not be familiar with their quarterly ad free magazine, I would urge you to become acquainted, here: Garden Design Magazine Any reader who subscribes to Garden Design via this Greening Of Detroit tour special offer will get their first issue the summer issue which has just come out, absolutely free. In addition, Garden Design Magazine will donate 12.00 from your paid subscription to the Greening of Detroit. This is an opportunity for any gardener and reader of this journal to enrich their gardening life, and donate to a cause very close to my heart.For subscription information regarding this special offer, click on the cover picture above, or
click on this link: special subscription offer Subscribe and support, yes please.
Sunday, July 16. 9am to 4:30 pm, rain or shine. The afterglow light supper and Rob’s garden bar begins at 4:30 pm.
From the cruise last year, a bowl full of zinnias and snapdragons.
From the current summer issue from Garden Design, one of many gorgeous gardens.
From the Greening of Detroit website, a group of volunteer citizen foresters, planting trees. This is a very good look. Tickets to the cruise are available now at Detroit Garden Works, or we can take payment for tickets or donations to the Greening by phone: 248 335 8089. We can mail or email your ticket to you. Many thanks.
Deborah, What a wonderful endeavour and commitment! Thank you and your group for undertaking such daunting task. I live in Ontario and we are losing trees from the ash borer and attrition in my area and I really try to get people to plant now and not wait till our neighbourhood looks like a brand new treeless subdivision before they decide they need to plant more trees. Well done!! to you all. I wish I could be there for the tour – the house in the second last picture is stunning.
Dear Cathy, thanks for your letter. That second to the last picture is of a garden that was published in the current issue of Garden Design. It is beautiful, isn’t it? all the best, Deborah
Here I am on vacation with a young teen which means I have a few morning hours to relax on my own. I am rereading your posts and many others posted before I found your blog. This is like a gardeners spa restoring my soul.
I have seen the free summer issue offer on other blogs but the extra donation amount sealed it for me, in for 2 years! your blog and you keep on inspiring me, long time reader!
we just bought a house with 8 acres, living in the city with a tiny garden, i am itching to get going with gardening but also a bit overwhelmed, so many possibilities.
I wish i live closer to attend the garden tour, nyc is too far but i heard that Hudson Valley/Catskill (where the new house is) do have tours.
Many thanks, Han. I am sure you will greatly enjoy the magazine, and we appreciate your donation.I want to say that Margaret Roach, who writes the blog Away To Garden, is in that area, and she has written about being on tour. all the best, Deborah
Looks like everyone is having some fun. I love zinnias so I find the arrangement beautiful. My grandfather grew scarlet red and golden yellow zinnias and took them to market with his produce as did his dad and his grandfather. I just learned this about my family recently & so thankful these men could enjoy the beauty of flowers.
I enjoy your posts so much, please keep them coming.
Deborah, can you recommend a place to stay overnight near your store ? I am making arrangements to come to the garden tour with some friends, and visit your store. We are from the Niagar region in Ontario…thank you.
Dear Nella,the Marriot on Centerpoint Parkway is in Pontiac, and only a few minutes from the shop 1 248 253 9800 I will be at home in my garden that day-be sure to say hi! thanks, Deboprah
Thank you Deborah…I am so looking forward to this, has been on my list of to dos!
I will definitely introduce myself and will visit your store as well…thanks again!
Thank you so much for this post Deborah. I’ve wanted to visit your store and attend this event for years — and this time I’m coming! Just booked my flights, car and hotel. I can’t wait to meet you and your team and see first hand some of what you have created. YAY!
Dear Jennifer, be sure you introduce yourself to me when you get to my garden. I will be delighted to meet and talk with you! So pleased you are making this trip. It is a solid tour-I think you will be pleased. YAY!! all the best, Deborah
Again a wonderful post. Do you know how many trees are planted each year?
Dear Lenore, maybe the Greening website has that information. best, Deborah
We organize our whole summer around this day ! Can’t wait.
Michael, I can’t wait to see you and Matthias that day. It is the highlight of my summer. Soon, my friend! all the best, Deborah
Wow! What a brilliant way to raise funds. Who doesn’t love gardening and landscaping, right? No wonder lots of people participated ,and the fundraising raised pretty good money. And the garden designs looked amazing BTW. Good Job!