
Oct5a 027Thank heavens for red and yellow; I would not want to do without orange in my garden. This picture of an orange dahlia tells the entire story of what happens when red, in this case a very blue or carmine red, gets mixed with yellow.  Fireworks.  Daylilies are a staple source of orange in a perennial garden.  If a daylily is not yellow, there is orange lurking in the petals in one form or another. Even a drift of the subdued daylily Ruffled Apricot can warm the eye from a distance. Orange is visually effective in even the smallest doses;  is it not interesting how easy it is to spot the one lone blooming butterfly weed in the entire field?  Even those who are not big fans of orange in theory can fall for an oriental poppy that color.  Poppies look like they ought to be orange.      

DSC_0004Orange exists in a garden in other forms besides flowers. Interior arborvitae needles turn as rusty orange as this old fountain before they are shed. Iron garden ornament, and terra cotta pots are an excellent source of orange in the garden.  I have had many people tell me their favorite season in Michigan is the fall-and I hear no grumbling about all the orange. What group of plants have you ever seen planted in a terra cotta pot that looked bad as a result of that orange pot?  Orange in big brilliant doses is not for the faint of heart, but a little orange zest never hurt any garden.  

Silver 8-06 (6)The trim on my house is painted turtle green.  I suppose I chose the color as much for the name as the color.  Olive drab would have been an equally believable name; this planting of solenia orange begonias in a dusty peachy orange Italian terra cotta pot makes that olive paint color come to life.  The variegated licorice makes reference to the bluish green of the begonia foliage; the lime creeping jenny underneath keeps everything up top cooking. 

Aug 22 081I did all of my summer flowers in some combination of orange, and carmine, or red-violet.  It did scare the heck out of me once I got everything planted.  I was worried to would be more excitement than I really wanted.  No doubt these warm colors looked good with my yellow/orange stone, and the sandy yellow brick on my house-not to mention the purple/brown brick of my drive.  The one year I planted all white flowers just didn’t work.  Though Howard’s coat color is formally known as red brindle, he is a most handsome orange and white.

DSC_0029Though this Sonic orange New Guinea impatiens flower might make your eyes hurt, I find it easier to use in a garden than a blue red.  I have a client that has been planting orange and white in her garden for many years.  What many thought was eccentric fifteen years ago looked very fashionable and sophisticated this year.  Funny, that. 

2008 Birmingham Pots 8-13-08 (15)Pink and orange together is such a lively and happy combination. Both Emilio Pucci and Lily Pulitzer based  fashion empires on fearlessly friendly color combinations like this.  If I only have the chance to make one point about color, it would be this.  In isolation, a color may not appeal to you.  But the real impact of color is about color relationships.  What colors do for each other is more important than any color itself. It never hurts to take some of what colors you have when shopping for plants.  Whatever your ideas might be about color, let your eyes make the decisions.

July25 063
A little orange in the garden is a great idea.

Purple, Please

DSC_0008The first color I want to feast my eyes on when spring comes is purple.  It could not be any further from the light, medium and dark drab I have been looking at for months. Purple flowers have a luminosity and depth that no purple paint could come close to-just try to paint a room crocus purple.  Watercolor pigments, thoroughly suspended in water, and applied transparently over a white sheet of paper, come close to luminous.  The gold yellow of these stamens are by direct contrast sure to attract pollinators as much as they attract me. But no one does luminous better than nature.  dsc010101Though these lavender species crocus planted in a flat do not bloom for long,  I pay my money, and go home happy. Sometimes I do the right thing, and plant tufts of them out in the garden.  They rebound from the forcing amazingly well, and will take hold in the garden.  The hyacinths are another story-these fabulous fakes fool the eye even up close.  I have seen people touch them, to check if they are real.  I think the fabric is dyed such that the color pools dark to light on each floret.  The individual florets are thin enough to permit light to pass through-a more than decent try for luminosity.  

spring 05 (7)It is an unusual client who will commit to a purple door. I find this refreshing.  The front door looks like a package ready to be opened, does it not?  The grape hyacinths-who would not have them-all the species and every available hybrids-if they could?   

July2 011Laurentia is blue purple. Commonly known as heliotrope blue, the color startles me.  In the smallest dose, it reads loud and clear. A small stand of this is as striking as an entire field of sunflowers, as it is so unexpected.  An unexpected landscape element-what is yours?    

July25 011Verbena bonariensis is one of my favorite flowers. Endowed with all the airy grace of a meadow perennial, it is an annual in my zone. Drought tolerant, sturdily tall, a prolific seeder whose seedlings are easy to weed out-who could ask for more from a plant?  These floating dots of red/lavender/purple are beautiful with just about every other color on the planet; this makes them friendly to just about any scheme you have in mind.

DSC03672Integrifolia dyed purple is a rich royal purple.  Placed in front of a pale greenish yellow wall, this complimentary color makes the purple glow.  Though no light penetrates these leaves, pairing colors opposing each other on the color wheel is a reasonable approximation of luminosity.   

DSC_0014Pansy purple-everyone knows what that color is.  I find it all the more precious as I have it in the spring and early summer-no other time. I call this alyssum the Easter mix-the mix of lavender and purple brings back memories of Easter Sunday hats.  Those hats I only saw at Easter-never any other time of year.  I am sure I had more than one Sunday dress in some variation of that purple. 

boxes 0305 (5)I call this a presentation boxes-don’t ask me what that means, exactly. Draw your own conclusions.  This box I made from synthetic moss mats, lime green reindeer moss, natural reed, a particularly fine specimen of poppy pod-and purple fake fur. Purple and lime green-an inspired color combination.   

BirmPots (41)Purple can be moody, and fugue like.  What I call Moses in the Cradle-this dark purple tradescantia, I plant liberally.  It tolerates cold, heat, shade, sun and neglect.  A new variety I tried this year has a white and cerise variegation; such a fancy outfit must be why it does not grow vigorously.  But the ordinary Moses will make a stunning bouquet for you.  Persian Shield is a moody mix of blue green and red violet in this more sunny location.    

Designing landscapes is not a career for me-it is a life.  Planting containers allows me to address lots of design issues I face designing landscapes, in a small space, for a short time. Color is a design element as important as any other.  My containers are a momentary laboratory. I am able to experiment with color, mass, texture, pattern, value, rhythm, proportion, scale in a small space-all of what I see in these container plantings, I bring to work with me every day. When I go to design a landscape, everything I have learned from these container plantings comes with me.

A New Tune

Tender Spring 05 (4)Tender is a very smart dress shop where they take their fashion seriously.  As I take the landscape seriously, we relate just fine to one another.  Commercial clients understand that the presentation of their business outdoors says a lot about what goes on inside. They want the outside of their store to look as fresh and newly conceived as what they carry inside.  I am thinking about Tender today, as Fine Gardening magazine wants to publish a picture of one of my containers in their special spring container issue.  As part of their profile on me, they asked me why I value container plantings. 

Aug 28d 399A container planting is a one-season committment. Unlike the landscape, the plants have to be replaced every year. The responsibility for a landscape can go on for many years.  I sometimes don’t make changes that I should, out of sheer inertia.  But my containers force change on me.  I have no choice but to observe and learn how to do better, and redo them-or be stuck twiddling my thumbs from sheer boredom.  A container planting is a miniature version of any landscape.  I would much prefer growing up as a gardener over four square feet and some annuals, than 100 square feet and a truckload of shade perennials.    

BirmPots (24)
My work enables me to design many landscapes, but there is only one which belongs to me.  I’ve made some decisions about it that I will no doubt keep as long as I garden there. Though I value history and continuity in my landscape, my annual containers are perennially fresh in that saucy adolescent sort of way. By the time they get tiresome, they are over; a new season is not far behind, chasing me about what is next.   

Tender (1)
I also like the idea that any person interested in gardening is not shut out by their hard surfaces.  Containers are great for people who lack land.  I entertain guests for dinner on a wood deck-should I do without a garden there?  I have planted the pots pictured above a good many years, sometimes four times a year. This kind of exposure to handling the same pots, the same surface, and the same location in a fresh way is a challenge I am heir to-so I should best welcome it.   

Tender 7-07 (2)
People experience nature on a lot of levels.  One year, every spring pink flowering tree I saw irritated me.  A pink tree-ridiculous.  A tree, looking like a party dress for an eight year old-what serious gardener would want one?  This year, the pink crabs and magnolias enchanted me.  I so appreciate that one aspect of gardening invites me to indulge my mood with a gesture that is very much about the moment.  The gestures I make new every season-they are worth it.

Tender #2 (1)Pumpkin hats on the conical boxwood-this made me smile. The willow sticks dyed orange-I bought an entire container load of these some years ago from Spain- in lots of jewel like colors.  Several hundred thousand sticks-no kidding. Getting a phytosanitary certificate sufficient to get them through customs was a headache that made me want to black out.    Though looking at this picture makes me want them again in the worst way, I know something new is just ahead of me.  

Tender #3 (1)The winter is our quiet season.  Our colors are subdued, but not our gardening spirit. But for these planters, with their Alberta spruce topiaries and their greens, this view would be more bleakly about concrete than need be.  

Tender07This year one gallon size PJM rhododendron and dwarf globe arborvitae filled the rectangular pots.  I bought dead trees from my nursery supplier, and varnished the bark after dusting them with copper spray paint.  Platinum ball ornaments and squares of tarred jute ornament the trees. Each tree had a bird’s nest of fine platinum colored wire at the base.  A winter landscape.

A new supplier sent me the most divinely cinnamon colored  curly willow this fall.  Flame willow, they call this.  The short blonde curly cloud you see at their base-peach paper covered wire.  How this willow and these paper picks came to be in my hand-a new look for these pots forced me to consider new materials in unlikely partnership.   The blue green noble fir-a strikingly lush base to all of these orangy top knots. Gardens in containers-it can be more than you bargained for, should you let it.


July15 041
Green is a secondary color, made from a mix of the primary colors, yellow and blue.  Greens made from lots of yellow, and only a dash of blue, we call lime green, or chartreuse.  Yellow and green mixed in equal parts I call true green; I cannot spot a yellow, or a blue cast.  Greens made from lots of blue and a dollop of yellow-the blue greens. But to a gardener, green is about much more than a mixing formula.  Green is the color of life. 

I have never seen a landscape or a garden that did not have green as its dominant color. Why would I? Chlorophyll enables plants to live, be nourished, and grow.  Any experienced greenhouse grower can tell if a plant lacks for something a block away, by assessing its green.  A plant needing water goes greyish; a starving plant, and an overwatered plant will take on a sallow, yellowish appearance. Healthy, robust plants are robustly green.

DSC_0004Judging from the numbers of people I try to help grow healthy yews who cannot spot that yellow/green yews indicate a water or drainage problem, I think green is so pervasive in a landscape, people stop seeing it. If you are not tuned in to green, you are missing a good portion of the pleasure and satisfaction of a landscape. Designing with green in mind-don’t miss this.  

April 27 013
My helleborus angustifolia suffers at the hands of our rough Michigan winters. The foliage is ratty and tattered by spring. But their green flowers make my heart pound, and the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Though my yews, so black green in winter weather, warm in the sun and turn juicy green, the hellebores are my first flowers.  Fresh green, they are. They are a sure sign of life in my garden. 

2007 Birmingham Pots 9-5-07 (18)
I like color.  This means I like the green as well as the red, pink, orange, brown, blue, orange and yellow.  This all green planting I like as well as a great stand of echinacea. Green enchants me as much as any other color.  By the way, that stand of echinacea will be all the more striking if it is companion planted with a blue green panic grass. The blue/red, or magenta flowers look so beautiful with blue/green grass.  A garden is about much more than the flowers blooming. 

Aug 28e 005
White Christmas caladiums light up a shady area.  The variegation is not really white; it is a very pale green. Depending on the light at any given moment, they can be a lively visual discussion about the beauty of green.  These leaves are very thin.  Substance in any natural material refers to its thickness.  Thin substanced leaves transmit light well, and glow.  

Ford 2006 (18)
Many shades of green are represented in this pot.  Variegated licorice has a decidedly blue cast; pair it with Dallas Blues panic grass-subtle and gorgeous. The trailing Kent Beauty oregano is blue green as well-the nicotiana alata lime is the center of interest in this pot as it stands out, as it is the only yellow green element. Design is very much about deliberate.

2007 Birmingham Pots 9-5-07 (14)
Green can be dark and moody.  Inky fingers coleus, and black calocasia are black greens.  The dark medium green borders on the Inky Fingers are just light enough to describe the dancing form of the coleus.  The dash of lime licorice-an exclamation point. 

May 27 2009 015
Lime green is so fresh, it speaks to spring.  New growth is this color-on yews, the flowers on the maple trees, the willow trees whose branches tell the story of the spring sap rising. Growing green is pale green. Lime green in the summer landscape can provide juicy definition to a shady area.  It can provide punch every bit as good as a blooming plant.  Lime green is fresh respite-plant it where you need this.

BirmPots (22)

Nero di Toscano, the Tuscan blue kale, is distinctively blue green.  I hear people eat this-but I just want to look at it.  It gives great companionship to this blue columnar juniper; the delicate blue green variegated licorice and showy oregano are like a frothy slip at the base. This design is much about proper scale for the planter, and contrasting textures, mass and shape, line and direction, rhythm-but it is so very much about the color green.     

July4 010
Were I pressed, I would have to say Nicotiana Alata Lime is my favorite flower.  Everything about it delights me-the simple shape, the nodding habit-but most of all that lime green.  I never tire of them. My taste in garden and landscape plants has evolved over the years. My intent to design with  the greens in mind did not come to me my first day gardening-I was very busy trying to get some decent horticultural practices in place-among a thousand other things.  The fact that gardening still energizes and enchants me after all these years-I chalk that up to the greens.