The Pumpkin Patch

in-the-patch.jpgThe pictures from Rob’s trip to the pumpkin patch are eloquent in their description of the change of the season.  The pumpkins and squash are brilliant in their mature coloration.  The fruits of the harvest are juicy and robust.

in-the-patch.jpgAt the same time that the pumpkins are coming into their glory, the vines that nourished them are fading and blackening from cold.  At the time of the harvest, the vines have completed their life span.

Rob says this annual trip to cut pumpkins is one of his favorite moments in the gardening year.  As usual, he chooses materials for the shop that reflect his point of view about what is beautiful.  There’s not much more to say, other than the fact that his photographs tell a story I never tire of hearing.

pumpkin-patch.jpgpumpkins in the patch

pumpkin-patch.jpgmature pumpkins

white-squash.jpgwhite squash

vine.jpgpumpkin vines

orange-and-brown.jpgthe farm

single-pumpkin.jpgpumpkin and stem

patch-2.jpgthe harvest

patch-4.jpggreen squash

the-harvest.jpgpumpkin patch

home-patch.jpghand picked for Detroit Garden Works




  1. Hi Deborah, I happened to come across your website earlier this Spring, and now look forward to your write-ups regularly. I used to have a greenhouse business in Atlantic Canada in the late 90’s early 2000, and miss it still to this day. Thanks for the great tour around the pumpkin patch. Love the great colors of orange, greens, and cream colors too! Just luscious and vibrant! Speaking of color, my planters were potted up first of June here, and they just sat there doing not much growing till mid July, and here it is the 2nd of October and my planters are the best they have been all summer–still bursting with color and blossoms. Mind you I have had to cover them several times lately as it was getting close to a light frost, but we have not had a killing frost yet but it is coming. This week our temps are going to be in the 24 Celcius range, which is around 70 degrees F for you and drop to low 60s by Sunday. We can certainly handle that..

    I hope you had a great season for your landscape business as I know how much work is involved in this field of work. The weather was not all that great, but it has been pretty much the same everywhere this year.

    Take care!

  2. Beautiful photographs. You have inspired me this year. I have never changed my large container at my door front for autumn until this year after reading your blog. Your photographs made me push myself to try a design with a bit of “wow”. Thank you for your posts and information. I’m so lucky I ran into you on Pinterest!

  3. Thank you for such an inspiring blog. What a pleasure to sit in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee and read your posts. Thank you for your creativity and your willingness to share it with the public at large.

  4. I discovered your blog a few months ago and have read religiously ever since. Never commented though many of your posts have touched me profoundly. Just wanted to sign on here and say thank you for sharing your knowledge, your experience, your eye…..I am outside the US and was amazed that you are Detroit-based – all we read of Detroit here is so dire and grim that it has been very important and inspiring to see things through your eyes.

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Sharon, There are lots of good and talented people who live and work in Detroit, despite all of the troubles. And good gardening people. I named my shop Detroit Garden Works 18 years ago, as we have always felt we are a part of metropolitan Detroit. I am so pleased that you are reading the blog. Thanks, Deborah

  5. Thanks for such a wonderful blog. I found you a couple months ago and love reading your posts. They are so inspiring and the photographs are beautiful. Finally, someone who knows what its like to garden in 4 seasons. I live inland from Lake Erie, we average 200+ inches of snow and cold. Yes, the snow insulates, but you always worry, what will survive? I have been sharing your site with all my gardening friends to enjoy. Love the colors of fall. Love the pictures of your dogs also.
    take care

  6. Love the pumpkins. We grew some this year and have two very large ones. Can’t wait to harvest them. The trough of white and cream pumpkins is delicious.

  7. I love pumpkins, they’re the perfect mix of color/shape and harvest bounty, and those are some beauties! I could never show your restraint though and would need to smuggle in at least one green and a few oranges into the mix 🙂

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