I did fine tune that painted grass rug day before yesterday. The paint stick that Buck made for me made that grassy style painting possible. The bamboo has a lot of flex. All I needed to do was stand up, dip my stick into the paint that had been thinned to a loopy consistency, and vibrate. It went on for days, but it was fun. Absorbing. This is a perfect winter project. Not so much thinking, just my eyes following my hands. A pair of hands working is a big fluid situation, all to the good.
Rob got up on the ladder to take this picture. Not that anyone will ever see this floor at this stage, from such a perch. I was just interested to see if my plan for consistent texture with color that was shifting was working. The shop lights are glaring off this semi-gloss paint, but I was happy with what I was seeing. By the way, if you ever have any paint project inside or out that requires fine quality paint, I highly recommend Porter Paint. It is a paint favored by sign painters. It is the only paint I ever use, inside or out.
This room in the shop gets a terrific amount of traffic. The effort it will take to finish it up is the most I will even see of it. Right now, the rug is prominent, as there is not much else to look at. By the end of this week, it will be filled up with whatever Rob has in mind. This floor will become part of a bigger scene.
For me, the marvel of the outcome belongs to the tools. A bamboo stake, a wood plant marker, and a sharpened orchid stake made all of this happen. All I supplied was some energy.
To follow are a lot of pictures, and not so much commentary. When I am painting, I am not talking or writing. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
The dogs could not wait to get in to room that Dan had roped off. Dogs hate being excluded from any event. Howard was barely in the room before he laid down, and started licking the floor. Interpret that however you wish. I think he thought the project tasted good. Me too.
I have spent the last 2 days painting my representation of English lawn daisies over top of the grass painting. It took a while to get the hang of how to paint those bellis flowers. Suffice it to say that I painted with a sharp stick, in a certain pattern. It took the better part of two hours to get comfortable and expressive. Not much news in this regard. Any project asks for a go ahead. I went ahead. After the go ahead, a great idea can take hold. Establishing a rhythm takes some time. It took a while, but I finally managed to let my tools take the lead. If you are a gardener, you understand this. The tools, lead by a pair of hands, can make a garden.
Rob took this picture from the top of a ladder. OK, I think I am done painting the daisies.
My daisies are geometric and regular, against a field of green swirls. Did I know this this the beginning? The swirls versus the geometry? No. Every project evolves.
Detroit Garden Works reopens for the 2016 gardening season next Tuesday. March 1. If you are local to us, feel free to check out the floor. That said, we have so much more going on besides this floor. I promise that your visit, from the floor up, will be an especially beautiful celebration of the garden.
We have English lawn daisies blooming.
Totally amazing! and always inspirational #
Thank you!
It’s too hot here in Annapolis, Maryland for English daisies in the lawn. I’m inspired to know there is a way I can finally have them!
love it! love it! love it!
Your corgi looks very handsome on the “grass.”
Absolutely love this! Beautifully executed.
Just beautiful.
You’ll certainly appreciate your effort with each passing across the room.
I can’t wait to see this in person. Lovely!
Fabulous job!
Really like how your project evolved, and really like how you describe the creative evolution of an idea. The result is so darn fun! Thanks for sharing!
Wow it looks 3 D…great work…. Brings back memories of a sod carpet I did for a garden antique show finishing it off with a thick cotton fringe and a carpet of pressed fall leaves, glued to a canvas cloth, then sealed in an overlapping pattern to mimic an oriental carpet. Maybe go over this with a few coats of clear concrete sealer to protect it.
Very creative Deborah. The dasies and grass look so lifelike. Thanks for sharing with us. I always look forward to your posts.
Amazing how realistic the blades of grass look from certain angles and then they pop out of focus ( for my middle aged eyes) and give the same rendition in a beautiful blur. It looks so good I keep expecting a varmint to poke his head up and start nibbling on the daisies. I’ve lived for a few years with a mole in my garden who keeps pretty much to himself, as I’ve seen him only once. One day he popped his charcoal grey head up through his back door. We considered each other for a moment and then he was gone. Alas, he was not wearing a green velvet waistcoat.
What a creation! So beautiful!
This is amazing!!!
I can’t stand it! Too much talent in one body! Spread the love!
Simply beautiful, and I don’t mean simply. Thank you for sharing your winter inspiration for spring…..my favorite time of the year.
I love it! What a great job Deborah! Anything you have the passion to do….you find your enter child, and go with it! You are amazing and, I Love to read all your blogs! I love to color ….too, with or without my grands…… I think I need to try this!
Can’t resist! Will be there from Akron ohio march 21. Looking forward to seeing everything in person.
The mix of texture and pattern and color will stay with me. And my Pinterest boards, of course;).
You well deserve every endorphin release you must experience when viewing this creation.
Thanx for sharing..it is bold/brilliant.
Simply put…pure enchantment.
How gorgeous! You must feel really good about this project. You’ve given me a great idea for my kitchen wall which is ‘Spring Willow’. I’m planning to have fun with it, get creative. I’ll send a photo when it’s done.
concrete flooring has been raised to a new level
Such a lovely floor decoration! It really does look like grass, gravel and daisies. Would look great in a garden shed too.
You never cease to amaze me with your talent. Incredible!!!
When I saw the posting ‘The Finished Floor’ I could not wait to open it! Wow it looked even better than I thought it could or would look like!!
Your creativity that will be under peoples feet is a breath of fresh air.
What a wonderful way to welcome everyone to your shop when you open.
I hope to take the drive one day myself. I’m in London Ontario & want to see the shop this spring before going back to New Brunswick.
I enjoy reading your posts, thanks for sharing ideas & how you did them! Deb, you & your crew are very inspirational on gardening inside & outside. lol
Gorgeous!!! It photographs so beautifully. I would love to see it in person. Maybe someday…..
Great job! Awesome, love it!
I just want to take my shoes off, and run barefoot across the grass.
Beautiful.. I love it…. a wonderfully creative piece of art.
Thank you for continuing to inspire.
Kudos…very cool!
Awesome! Art transforms spaces, moods and us!
I love it! Beautiful! Did you put yellow centers in all the daisys?
Brilliant, Deborah!
I don’t suppose there’s a Youtube viewing of this painting process.
Still can’t believe that is painted grass…
I’ll have to take Howard’s word (or paws) for it.
Beyond words!
I love that floor! Especially the daisies! Better than real life….. I’ll to come see it next Tuesday before it is all covered up.
Wow! It took me awhile to get the fact that this is one dimensional. It has such opulence and texture! Brava!!!
It’s absolutely amazing to watch the English daisy lawn unfold! Thanks! I wish I could come in to see it. Unfortunately, Salt Lake City is too far away! Wishing and waiting for spring here too!
Superb job. What great fun to look at! You are soo clever!
Stunning! Can you show us the “tools” you used for the grass and then the daisies? Really amazing
I love it, how fantastic!
Deborah, what you have created here is magical! Bravo to you! I love how it turned out!
Perfect! Painting is therapeutic–involves so many senses! I’ll be thinking of you on March 1st from here out West.
See you all soon. Can’t wait.
Jo Ann
(The birthday girl)
Truly creative! Deborah, you are so talented and wonderfully inspirational! Thank you!
A very clever idea, brilliantly executed and the end result is quite lovely. From an English gardener who spends her time trying to eradicate daisies from the lawn I much prefer to see them here. Although having looked at them from a different perspective maybe I’ll give them a second chance and allow a few to blossom in the lawn – as long as I can keep them under control. A fabulous Winter project – well done Deborah, inspirational as always.
Hi Deborah
We have the real thing, living in England complete with daisies but I think yours looks a lot better!
The finished project is amazing! With you, I had no no doubt. Love the dog pic!