Outfitting an antique iron urn with a life size Halloween sculpture of the wicked witch of the west was my client’s idea. I think she is as wild about Halloween as her kids; she has a whimsically good spirit about her. So why not? Lauren, who is young enough to be able to locate and shop on line with lightening speed, found me a a posable standing aluminum mannekin covered in foam, with a polyester stretch knit covering. This figure was just waiting for an identity. The adjustable aluminum pole enabled us to set the height of the sculpture properly in the urn. The base plate went into the urn, and was stablilized with granite setts piled over top of it.
Her vehicle was fashioned from a sharpened hickory fence pole, to which we attached black plastic grass; voila, a a suitably creepy broomstick. The gearshift knob is a stick ball, which I loaded with threads of industrial strength hot melt glue. For all the world it looks like she just flew through an industrial strength spider web. Or perhaps she has pet spiders that like go everywhere with her.
Apparently you can buy Halloween costumes in adult sizes. The outfit came complete with a suitably pointy hat with a tulle band, and the most fabulous pair of witchy shoes with flared heels and buckles. The striped socks and dirty chartreuse garden gloves came from Lauren. This girl is dressed to kill.
Her face is ghoulishly green perfection. We mechanically fastened the mask to the head of the mannequin; any part of the sculpture going askew as a result of our unpredictable October weather would not be good. One ping pong ball split in two is the basis for the eyes. They bulge out of the vinyl eye sockets in a terrifying way; Lauren painted on the chartreuse eyeballs, and exploded capillaries. Warty pumpkins and gourds cover the base plate. The decapitated fabric dolls-some with mini-pumpkin heads, are an especially gruesome touch.
A few finishing touches to the surrounding landscape, and our witch was ready for Halloween. This yard is decked out in spectacular anticipation of Halloween night. The whole process of the installation stopped traffic; lots of people like the fun that is Halloween.
Her hemp fiber hairdo befits her; hemp stuffed into her hat makes the most of that pointed shape. Though I have not devoted too much time here to the construction, I chose all of the materials to start with the idea that rain and wind would not disturb them. Of course we had both the day after the installation. That polyester outfit shed the water, the tulle hat band held with water droplets to good effect. She has been flying across the yard for the better part of three weeks-looking good.
The night sky changes the appearance of everything. As is evident in the above picture taken last night, there will be a prominent moon tomorrow; I am always appreciative whenever nature cooperates.
The night light makes her appear all the more scary and threatening. Uplighting is the most garish and unattractive light possible in a landscape; this is working to great advantage here.
Scardy cats, beware!