Keep America Beautiful is an organization which has been devoted to promoting the idea that a clean environment is a beautiful and healthy environment since 1953. The original group of business people and public figures had the idea to link the private and public sector in a campaign to stamp out littering. If you are any where near me in age, you will remember the public service announcements in the 1970’s featuring Chief Iron Eyes Cody and the tagline “People start pollution. People can stop it”. The Ad Council of America considers it one of the most successful public service campaigns ever mounted. It had to have been fairly successful-I still remember it vividly, some 40 years after the fact. I would sooner stuff my lunch trash in my own coat pocket than throw it on the ground. Their role in recent years has been to focus on the merits of recycling. Both technology and human ingenuity have helped to create ways to transform trash into products that can be reused.
Why am I talking about litter? We were downtown last week, decorating 50 planter boxes on Woodward Avenue that feature trees at the center. As the aluminum fencing around each box is about 18 inches tall, I suggested decorating each tree truck with corn shocks, and other decor that suggested fall. The result is a celebration of fall that can be seen from a car, or on foot. So what does this have to do with litter? The boxes themselves were littered. Lots of litter. I would guess that it takes an incredible amount of time and money to regularly clean them. Though there’s no need to litter, it happens.
While we were installing this fall display, a Detroit police officer pulled over to the curb near us, set off his siren, and turned on his lights. Yes, we were startled, and yes we watched. The officer called out to a man on the side walk who had just thoughtlessly dumped his lunch trash and plastic bottle on the sidewalk to pick up his mess, and put it in the trash barrel not 10 feet away. There was much discussion and lots of resistance, but the man finally picked up his mess and put it in the garbage can. I admire that officer who treated littering and polluting as a crime against the environment.
That officer let it be known loud and clear that he expects his city to be orderly, safe, friendly, busy, crime free-and clean. Pollution free-one trashy moment at a time. The incident made a big impression on me. Obviously clean cities happen via groups of concerned people who bring their influence to bear. Clean cities perhaps rely even more on those individuals who take the time and effort to protect the environment. It also occurs to me that a clean and litter free city has much to do with a collective sense of ownership, and stewardship. How can that pride of ownership and stewardship be fostered? One litter free block at a time. One clean day at a time. One proud person at a time.
We were hired to make a statement about fall in the downtown Detroit area. My thoughts regarding the design were as follows. I wanted to celebrate those trees on Woodward Avenue that managed to grow in a thoroughly urbanized city. I wanted to draw attention to the trees, and the planter boxes. I wanted to make anyone who rode or walked down Woodward to be engaged by what we did. I wanted to, for a brief moment, to draw attention to nature. My hope was that attention would foster respect.
I may not get my wish-this go round. If you are a gardener, you understand that it can take a lot of time to develop a garden, or a landscape. It can take more than a lifetime. As for a litter free America, it may take many generations. But I am happy to report that more people than not are informed and supportive of a clean, beautiful, and healthy America. Gardeners have for generations been interested in a clean and beautiful environment.
Gardeners have homes that they choose to keep beautiful and clean. Gardeners who move to another property have been stewards. My idea? I would encourage anyone and everyone to garden. Once you garden, you understand the treasure inviolate that is nature. Would that everyone would be a gardener.