I am not really sure how I ended up at Michelle Master’s website, but I am sure it had something to do with the fact that I love landscapes, gardens-and all of God’s creatures. That is, except for slugs, snails, Japanese beetles and woodchucks. Michelle is a very talented watercolorist, who has put her talents to use designing notecards, linens and fabulous etceras featuring her art work. We plan to carry all of her work-as soon as this current project is in production. After many emails back and forth-I sent her photographs of my corgis. What came after that-check it out. Milo is thinking he needs an agent, and Howard is embarrassed by the whole affair. This post-a welcome relief from all the heat. www.michellemasters.com/blog
I love that the curve echos the patio. Nice.
Hey Deborah,
How many people have Milo & Howard sucked in? I know I’m one of their victims. Your amazing garden design talent is just a bonus!