As much as I treasure the spring season, early June is a garden moment like no other. Every tree and shrub is in full leaf, and growing apace. Just about every perennial is not only growing, they are making plans to bloom. Even my hardy hibiscus show signs of stirring. The garden is action packed. The Princeton Gold maples against a a stormy sky last night-spectacular. Those trees dominate my landscape in June, as you can see. One would never know there are houses just past those trees. Just this year, the last of the electrical pole in the corner that services 3 other houses besides mine and its overhead wires have disappeared from view.
My landscape is not one bit fancy, although it is grown up. It is an urban American garden to my liking on a very small parcel of land. It is simple in design, so if it gets neglected when I am busy, order can be restored in a day or two. I like the orderly part of my landscape, as I find that order relaxing. The best part of coming home at the end of a busy day is having nothing to do in the garden.
What I will plant around the fountain this year is the subject of much internal debate. I can only ask Buck to talk to me about it so many times, and I have already gone over the limit. What is that plant that will like the sun at one end, and tolerate the shade at the other? It has to suffer the indignity of the dogs wading through it. And the over spray from the fountain jets on a windy day. I solved one chronic problem this spring. I had the irrigation system enlarged to include this area. No more dragging the hose down there from the deck on a 90 degree August day. I tried isotoma fluvialitis, but it was not hardy for me. I did get 3 years from both herniaria, and scotch moss.
I have yet to do one thing in this garden, and it doesn’t show – but for the dirt around the fountain. The month of June is the busiest of my year. This year is exceptionally busy. Several landscape projects are in process, in addition to the summer plantings. The fact that all I have to do when I get home is look around is a relief.
I have not planted my pots yet, but I have plenty enough going on to keep my eyes occupied. I will try to have them planted by June 15. Annual and tropical plants going into soil that is thoroughly warmed up will take hold and grow with little in the way of transplant shock. To follow are more pictures of my early June garden, without much commentary. I need to go attend to someone else’s garden right now.
The Palibin lilacs are beautiful this year. I have a pair on standard that have to be close to 30 years old.
The driveway pots are ready to plant. Do I know what I will plant? No. But deciding what to plant is more than half the fun of it.
the stairs to the kitchen door
Sum and Substance hosta under a parrotia.
The pots in front are ready to plant. I will get to the weeds in the gravel sometime soon.
I have a June landscape, not so much a garden garden. I like a vase of cut flowers in my garden in June as often as possible. I don’t want to miss out on anything.
Oh, what a triumph. Such a delicious garden of every shade of green. So soothing and invigorating all at once.
Dear Susan, so love your phrase-soothing and invigorating. Perfect. Thanks, Deborah
Stunning and inspiring!
Thanks, Michelle. best, Deborah
After seeing all your boxwood, I was wondering when you like to trim them? I live in Minnesota and sometimes after I trim them in the late spring get a little brown on the edges. Any advice?
ps your garden looks beautiful all times of year.
Deborah, you are such an inspiration. Those maples! Thanks for all you share.
Dear Greg, those maples are so fabulous this year. I cannot take my eyes off of them. As for sharing-this is what I should do, whenever I am able. This is a world view I have, courtesy of my Mom. She was a teacher. all the best, Deborah
Your landscape looks enchanting to me – and gives the impression of a much larger space. As I look at the images I wonder “What’s just around that corner?” Thank you for sharing.
Best regards,
Jennifer in KS
Thanks to you, Jennifer in KS. Gardeners like you keep me writing. all the best, Deborah
Beautiful Deborah…..I love your blog. I have a question for you. What is your suggestions for a green, lovely lawn. Thank you
Dear Lisa, I am not an expert on lawn. As long as mine is green and lush, I am happy. I would consult someone near you with a specialty in grass. Not that you will be able to take their word for it. You may have to try a number of things until you get the grass that satisfies you. best, Deborah
Thanks, Christine. best, Deborah
Absolutely beautiful, and inspirational, as always! Having just dashed off an email regarding revitalization of our historical neighborhood’s common areas, your post was perfectly timed.
I have added more boxwoods to my own yard in the last few years, and wonder how often they should be shaped, ideally. I am in the same garden zone as you, and have always trimmed mine by hand, but it is getting too time-consuming. Yours are gorgeous, and so perfectly shaped that I presume they were done with a hedge trimmer. How much do you remove, and how often, may I ask?
Laura, never a hedge trimmer!!! always by hand,with hand shears with long blades. after level lines are set. I do it once a year, after the spring flush is finished. Meaning Melissa and her crew from M and M Flowers do it. I do not have the patience or skill for this. But I so appreciate the work when it is beautifully done. best, Deborah
“My landscape is not one bit fancy”, you say. Oh my! It is gorgeous and an accurate definition in my book of pretty fancy landscaping!
Dear Jo Anne, my garden really isn’t fancy. It is grown up, and grown in. I have 20 years in to it. I did the design work myself-which I think is good. What isn’t good, I have a plan to change, when the time comes that I can. Gorgeous does not necessarily mean fancy. A field of Queen Anne’s Lace in bloom can be gorgeous, and not one bit fancy. Just healthy and green is all I ask from my landscape. Mother Nature gives me a big hand with this in June. all the best, Deborah
Loved visiting your garden! It’s spectacular!
Dear Sherry, my garden is mature. Meaning I do not have any dirt spaces. Do I have problems-oh yes I do. I just try not to look at them in June. best, Deborah
So beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
Dear Amy, I was raised to share whatever I am able to share. My Mom, who was a teacher, gets the credit for this blog. best, Deborah
how you have time to blog deborah is incredible to me. i too am “buried” and my personal garden looks like grey gardens with all the rain……oh well, the time always comes!
crazy for those princeton maples, my search is on
Dear Debra, I have time to blog because I have the most rocking, talented and hard working landscape crews in the world. They are fierce about producing museum quality work, and they are fierce about looking after me. They are family to me, and I to them.
Deborah, it’s funny that you should mention about your crew being family to you. Shannon was just here for a quick visit & mentioned that very thing about you…you were always extremely generous & looked after your employees. One of the many things that I appreciate about you!
The vase of cut flowers in the last image is quite striking.
I’ve never seen a touch like this and now I’ll be figuring out how to add that look with desert plantings to my low garden wall.
Creative and inspired. As always, many thanks for sharing!
Terry, my favorite place to have cut flowers is outside. best, Deborah
Debra,,,, I have never commented before, just recently signed up for your posts,,, but just have to say that I have been a HUGE fan of yours for quite some time now! I think you are incredibly talented,,,,, not only with containers,,, but now, seeing your yard,,,, I am smitten!!! It is truly gorgeous,,,, the simplicity and clean lines are perfect!,,, it is elegant, yet comfortable,,,, and done so well. Truly love it! The maples are fabulous!,,,
Yes, a veritable triumph, to quote Susan. How beautiful! Thank you for letting us catch a glimpse of your very own secret garden. Your fountain is gorgeous! Have you considered a mix of ajuga and sweet alyssum?
And you are right- nothing like the chartreuse green leaves against a stormy Midwestern sky!
what type of maple did you plant? it is amazing, so beautifull.
Dear Javier, the cultivar is known as Princeton Gold. best, Deborah