No shady spot need be a sleepy spot. The combination of these old red spikes and variegated licorice entirely satisfy my eye. The dark purple blooms on the tibouchina-astonishing. White caladiums and a white fuchsia on standard-pale colors are great in the shade. I take no credit for these containers-my client keeps them beautifully.
A window box at the shop is in fairly deep shade. A group of caladium cultivars are dramatically light in that shade. Caladiums are as easy to grow as they are satisfying. The frilly leaves have a dressy and insouciant look. Who could tell it was 96 degrees when I took this picture?
The begonia Madame Queen is new to me. This plant has every visual hallmark of a difficult to grow plant; I do not know how to explain this. After many years of gardening, I can tell the fussy plants from the easy going plants. Madame Queen says it all. I know the watering will have to be perfect. I am game-given how much this plant could dress up the shade.
Who knew Kong coleus came in green? The leaves are richly green, and velvety. I am expecting this Kong to grow large. The strap leaved yellow and green coleus will provide a vivid and vocal supporting cast. The Jayde pepperomia-frosting on the cake.
This odd spot happens to be underneath a second level deck. An old copper washtub filled with sanseveria, calathea, and creeping jenny makes something of the space.
I love leaves. I have never seen one I did not like. Leaves can provide color every bit as good as the color from a flower. If you garden in the shade, consider leaves.
Tropical plants get a new lease on life, once they are moved outdoors. They thrive in the shade outdoors. I would guess they are a dracaena cultivar, and a grey pilea, but I am more interested in how they look in this container. No gardener really needs to know the botanical names of plants. What makes a gardener is experience.
Rob has a love for weedy and fern like shady container plantings. As I like color in the shade as well as I do the sun, I am dubious from the start about his shade pots. His shade plantings are subtle and sensational.
The lime green dracaena Janet Craig is anything but subtle. The curly liriope and lime licorice dance around those large stiff leaves, and loosen up the entire composition.
Shady spots can be strikingly good looking spots.
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