At A Glance: Popping

lettuce-and-chard.jpgSpring is popping!  Our landscape is finally beginning to green up.  The living color – whether it be green, yellow red, or purple – what a relief.

Detroit-Garden-Works.jpgspring pots


Belgian-fence-section.jpgBelgian fence section

mixed-tulips.jpgtulips at the shop

the-shop.jpgon the driveway


spring-window-box.jpgspring window box

table-and-chairs.jpgspring pots

galvanized-planter.jpgplanted galvanized tub

flowers.jpgthe nursery area

pear-espaliers.jpgspring flowers

the-shop-in-spring.jpgBoston ivy beginning to leaf out.

espalier-crabapple-in-bloom.jpgespalier in bloom


  1. You are way ahead of Minneapolis!

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Wilma, I don’t know if I could handle gardening in Minneapolis. I respect your courage and resolve. I hope spring gets to you soon. Best, Deborah

  2. Everything looks spit spot!

  3. I was gone this past weekend. In my absence we had plenty of rain and much warmer temperatures. When I returned last night, it was as though every living thing was 6 inches taller and much more green than when I had left on Friday. Even my pinky winky hydrangea is finally starting to leaf out. All of it is a welcome sight.

  4. Love the colors of spring! Deborah, what is the secret plant food to feed, to getting those large lovely green leaves(galvanized bucket display)?

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Trish, that is bok choy in the container. We use our custom blended soil for all of our containers. It is loaded with compost. Thanks, Deborah

  5. Looking at the shop in pictures is a delight; I can only imagine the thrill it is in person! So exciting now that this moment has finally arrived

  6. a balm to winter weary eyes!

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