At A Glance: Monday Morning, 7 AM









  1. Your transition from “growing season” to “glowing season” is one which I eagerly anticipate. Despite the snow on the ground, your pictures are so warm and inviting … like a winter stroll in a gallery of light.

    Your lighting displays always provide me with much inspiration … this year, your “light rings” inspiried me to make my own … I have five rings covered in gold lights suspended in the woods on my property … Five Golden Rings. Visitors are amazed at how such a simple concept truly represents the spirit of the season … frankly, I am amazed, too!

    Any exclamations of “Oh, you live in the house with the gold rings!!” I receive this Christmas season is my nod to my friends in Michigan. Thank you!

    Happy Holidays from Cypress, Texas!

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Richard, I would love to see pictures!! The light rings are all Rob’s doing-very simple, and very striking. I am so glad to hear you were inpsired by them. Happy holidays! Deborah

  2. What a spectacle !!! love it ! love it ! love it !!

  3. Oh, Deborah…..what joy your designs, ideas and philosophy bring each day. I eagerly anticipate what you might be sharing with us. While I really enjoy everything you do the entries for the dark months must be my favorites. Last year the glass drops just blew me away! If it wasn’t for the 10 hours drive between us I would have had to come to see it in person. But this…..I think I hear road trip.
    Simply stunning – thank you!

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Michele, the front isn’t finished yet…I will write about it when it is done. I promise to post lots of pictures! Thanks so much for your letter, Deborah

  4. Forgive me if I have written this already…but Rob’s arrangement with lights at the front right of the entrance (last two photos) is a real tour de force. How did he manage to create the illusion of a light bomb in mid explosion? Really incredible…your photos of it really do capture its effect in person. Hope to see it once more before everyone starts to hibernate.

  5. Stunning!

    I tried to catch the moon this morning- no luck. Glad you did.

    And those pots are just so cool…

  6. janet aronoff says

    Well, you and Rob have really hit a high note. each of you have never stopped learning since I first met you CONGRATULATIONS!!! Janet

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