A Library


A library is an important design tool.  A library can be as simple as a folder stuffed with pictures of everything you ever saw or read that you liked.  I find books irresistible, and I have collected them as long as I have gardened. They expose me to other people and places.  What I see when I read becomes a part of what I bring to my work. It reminds me that I am part of a community of a certain sort.  Would that someday I could write one essay the caliber of those written by Henry Mitchell.  The long time garden writer for the Washington Post, until his death in 1993;  his books I read over and over again.  To follow is one of my favorite essays by him-this spring it seems especially timely. His book, The Essential Earthman,  is a much have garden tool.book


  1. We should all have this one framed beside the garden shed. A great cry to “get real” when I whine about my sandy, dry shade under Norway maples. Time to get defiant!

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