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The White On The Way

White_Trillium_Trillium_grandiflorum_Flower_2613pxHas the thought of spring crossed my mind yet?  Oh yes.  The fierce cold, the heavy snow and the ice of the past 3 weeks has made it easy to daydream about spring. Better than 30 years ago I was able one October to buy five acres of rolling land (burdened with an utterly dysfunctional house) blessed with a substantial stand of trillium grandiflorum – the native Michigan trillium.  I was not expecting them, but in late April, there they were.  I was enchanted.  The three lobed flowers are almost as large as the leaves-showy. The trillium blooming provoked an interest in Michigan wildflowers.

Double_SanguinariaOver a period of years, I added lots of other wild flowers to that spot. I would guess it was 2500 square feet or so, dominated by a few old ash and locust trees.  The ground had not be disturbed for many years, or had any of the leaves been removed.  But for the tree roots, one could dig in this compost based soil with 2 fingers. The double bloodroot pictures above from Wikimedia never made large colonies, but what I had was persistent.  The main trick was to check the plants as often as possible once they come in to bud.  Any warm weather or wind, and the petals would drop.  Looking every bit like a cross between a miniature peony and a waterlily, they might be in bloom but a few hours a year.

anemone nemerosa vestal

I did spend a few years working for Francis Hughes in the late 70’s and early 80’s.  His nursery was unusual, in that he sold native wildflowers dug from his own extensive gardens.  One plant which I especially admired was anemone nemerosa. I can still remember him digging me a small start from which he shook off all of the soil.  He made a point of telling customers that he did not sell his soil.  I was sure my unceremoniously bare rooted plant would not survive, but this plant and many others did indeed grow. The cultivar “Vestal”, pictured above courtesy of, is a hybrid noted for its prominent anemone center.

anemone blanda is is not native to Michigan, but its white flowers come early in the spring.  The small corms are planted in the fall.  I soak the dark brown nuggets for 24 hours before planting them 2-3 inches below ground.  The 6 inch tall plants will readily colonize large areas – even weedy or grassy areas –  if they are happy.  The purple and pink varieties are lovely, but I love the white the best. A few hundred bulbs planted in the untended remains of an orchard multiplied many times over.  This picture is from John Sheepers bulbs.

Alabaster_closeupWhite epimedium, a perennial groundcover, spreads more slowly and blooms later than other species, but it is well worth the trouble.  They are tolerant of dry shade, which makes them an ideal addition to a wild flower garden with mature trees.  They bloom on foot tall slender stalks, the new foliage coming after the flowers.  This picture- from

DSCN2299 cropThe yellow species trout lily is a familiar face in the Michigan spring wildflower garden, but the white epimedium conalba “Alabaster” is strikingly beautiful.  They are fairly easy to grow, but can take years to flower.  They are well worth the wait.  Like many other wildflowers, the plants go entirely dormant once the trees get their leaves, and the rain is less reliable.  Wild flowers are frequently referred to as garden ephemerals, as their dormant season comes early in the summer.  The photograph above is from

Dodecatheon_meadia_1Dodecatheon media is commonly referred to as shooting star.  This is a good description for these diminutive flowers with extremely reflexed petals.  The foliage is lettuce-lush and juicy looking. They are easy to grow, and will colonize readily when happy.  This picture is from

white-helleborus-orientalis.jpgHellebores are not naive, or are they wild flowers.  They are perennials with mostly evergreen foliage.  But no discussion of white flowers in early spring would be complete without them.  Helleborus orientalis is commonly known as the Lenten rose, as it blooms at that time of year.  They are one of my favorite perennials, as they are as beautiful in leaf as they are in flower.  There are numerous cultivars, each one more lovely than the last.

white hepaticaFor whatever reason, hepatica was always my favorite spring wildflower.  The area where I lived 30 years ago was decidedly rural, but on the cusp of development.  Whole neighborhoods full of homes were built nearby, after the land was scraped clean of any and every plant.  I dug many a clump of hepatica out of the way of a bulldozer, and relocated them to my property.  With a little oak leaf mold, and slightly swampy conditions, they were very happy.  I like to believe they are still  thriving from benign neglect in those spots, as I know that garden has not been touched by the owner who came after me.  This photograph via

dutchman's breechesDutchman’s Breeches are a wilding bleeding heart.  The plants feature serrated blue green leaves in profusion.  The bleeding hearts are arranged all along a small arching stem.  They were very shy bloomers for me.  Charming, these.

solomons sealSolomon’s Seal has a similar arrangement of individual blooms.  The foliage is also arranged along the stem.  The plant is quite tall, and vigorous.  Some gardeners prefer the variety sporting white variegated leaves, but I have always liked the more subtle species.  I found this great picture at

Jeffersonia diphyllaJeffersonia Diphylla is commonly known as twin leaf.  Though this picture does not do justice to the leaf structure, what appears to be 2 leaves at the end of a leaf stalk is actually one leaf, deeply divided.  This wildflower was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson by his friend and fellow botanist William Bartram. Only one other species of Jeffersonia is known, and it is native to Japan.  Why that would be, I have no idea. This photograph is from

Viola_canadensis_(Orvokki)_Kanadaviol_C_DSC03075Last but not least, Viola Canadensis, the Canada violet.  They are quite rare in some places they are known to be native, but they grew vigorously for me.  All of the violets were willing and able to cover the ground.  Once the wildflowers went dormant, there were plenty of violets covering the ground.  Sweet, that.  Very sweet to think that a lot will be happening in the garden in the not so distant future.

Sunday Opinion:Local Growers; Independent Garden Centers

I shop almost every grower during the spring planting season within 15 miles of me, just to see what they have cooking,  as I plant annuals for the better part of 8 weeks every spring.   I have my favorites, no doubt.  As nearly all my waking hours are spent making landscapes and gardens, I’ve made relationships with growers.   Rick Brinks,  who grows Bordine’s annual crops,  and Fiona Brinks,  the Vice President of Bordines Nursery, have become friends of mine.  But that does not mitigate the fact that they grow a first rate crop well worth checking out. They make available a huge range of plants, so, so beautifully grown.  Their plant growing ranges in Grand Blanc are fueled in an  ecologically friendly way; what is not to love about this?  Their bio-mass heating system burns waste wood. The short version is that they are heating with a fuel that is less expensive-this savings in fuel gets passed along to customers, and they are recycling waste materials in a way that looks to the future.   The installation was an enormous expense to Bordines,  but they felt it was a good investment financially, and environmentally. I support this kind of thing in my industry.   Independent garden centers and gardeners alike  have a long , serious, and quiet history of commitment to “green” long before it became a media and marketing event.   With locations in Rochester, Clarkston, and Grand Blanc, Bordines is within reach of you.  Their greenhouses are a dream come true-shut your eyes, click your heels together 3 times.  When you open your eyes, you will be looking at a fabulous plant.   A  fabulous  plant  doesn’t appear like magic- I can attest to what they go through to deliver you a well grown plant-is such an important ingredient in any garden.  I can make almost anything grow-except columbines. But only in my dreams could I grow how Rick grows.  He routinely delivers magic. There is no taking a day off, when you are growing a crop.  If the alarm goes off at 3 am signaling a furnace out, you go.  Everything in nature can be frustrating, hostile,  unpredictable, and generally uncooperative-you just hope all four of these don’t happen all at the same time. He has an amazing patience for the whole process. He is a Dutchman whose family settled in Grand Rapids-ok-he has growing genes way better than the rest of us.   Fiona, English bred and born to parents with a long history of involvement in the plant industry, interprets the classic English love of plants and gardens from her own particular point of view. When I think about Bordines, I think about the two of them-and I like what I think.  Given the incredible effort it takes to produce a healthy and robust plant, its amazing how little they cost.  I don’t see them much at this time of year-and they don’t see me much.  Professional garden people have to put their lives on hold this time of year.  We stay friends, as we are in the same boat, rowing our hearts out.  Since I want Bordines to be there, growing great  plants,  I shop there-every chance I get. I think you should too.

Bogie Lake Greenhouse, owned by Mark and Patty Watkins, grows plants for me, custom.  We meet all winter long, reviewing new varieties, making changes, looking at numbers of plants. We review pictures, and make a plan for their new season.  I shop there a lot, as well I should.    They are obliging to a fault; they would deliver in the middle of the night if they thought it would help me.  Their plants are beautifully grown-their greenhouses are chock full of every annual you might expect, and more.  Mark grows unusual plants-too many to list here.  Their place exemplifies old fashioned service-but what they deliver is 21st century in quality and selection.  I have the run of his greenhouses at 5 am, should I want to-and more often than not, he meets me.  Their place is a genuine family business, start to finish.  The Mustang Mark drove to meet Patty, the night he proposed, is still parked on the nursery property-awaiting restoration, in a friendly ocean of road-side weeds.   Their place, south of M-59 on Bogie Lake Road, should be a destination for you.  If you go there often enough, you will want to learn names, and hear the stories.  I value relationships of a personal kind-you will get this from an independent garden center.

Telly’s Greenhouse features every very unusual perennial and tropical plant known to man (that would be George) and more-the property is packed. How he loves plants, and sees that his clients get them,  is astonishing.  I am on vacation when I go there-a busman’s holiday.   Their staff is completely knowledgeable and approachable;  Judy shops my place, and I shop hers. You really ought to meet her; ask for her. They have a very  sophisticated  selection of perennials, and roses;  they are always the first on the block with new plants.  Its not just a store; it’s an experience.

Ralph and Julie, from Julie’s Flowers sell plants at the Pontiac Farmers Market.  They are first rate growers, and cutting edge about what varieties they grow.  Every grower out there on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays during the growing season is first rate. I don’t need to tell you the names-just go there, every week, all season long, and you will be better for it.  So many growers all together-that part is handy.   Marlene Uhlianuk grows what she likes and believes in-no doubt you get a taste of her point of view when you shop there.  Herbs, unusual annuals and perennials, topiaries-whatever she is of a mind to grow.Later, fabulous heirloom tomatoes and potatoes and fresh herbs.    Her advice and opinion comes at no extra charge.   I have had a big love for her for many years. This place precedes, and outstrips any grocery store I know of.  Good plants, and good food, for you and your family.  I have no plans to do without her, or my greater nursery community, as I could not.

Every gardener has  their favorite haunts. The Michigan Gardener,  a monthly magazine detailing everything of any horticultural interest in Michigan,  is a great source for what nurseries might be near you, or interest you.  The magazine is free at your local nursery; their advertisers make it possible for you to have this resource at no charge.  I encourage you to take advantage of it.   Obviously we have a horticultural community-their magazine is devoted to it.  At the helm, two brothers who love gardens.  Read their magazine, and get to know them.

I have places I am keen about.  This does not mean there are not many other places out there deserving of your attention. No matter what places are special to you, the important thing is to shop there.  I like having choices;  diversity is good. We all live in such a frantic world; making something grow, and taking the time to appreciate it, and share it with friends and family,  is no mean accomplishment.  Support your nursery community;  shop them.  This constitutes stimulus in the real sense of the word.  If you are a gardener, I would advise you to quit reading the news, and spend that time checking out your nursery community.

Bogie Lake Greenhouses  1-248-887-5101

Garden Designers Roundtable


Garden Designers Roundtable


The Garden Designers Roundtable was established in December of 2009.  A group of well known garden designers who write from across the US and in Britain post on a topic relating to landscape and garden design every month.  I was very pleased to have been asked to guest post with this group last year, and am even more pleased that I have been asked to join their group as a permanent member.  The topics provoke a wide range of essays, as each designer writes from their distinctly unique point of view.  If you are not familiar with or a regular reader, I would encourage you to visit their website and read.  It is a very diverse and talented group with loads of expertise and enthusiam.  I am indeed privileged to be a part.

The members:

Andrew Keys

Andrew Keys – Topsfield, MA

A self-professed plant nut, Andrew Keys is the principal of Oakleaf Green Landscape Design of Topsfield, Mass., 20 miles north of Boston. Andrew blogs at Garden Smackdown, an exercise in extreme plant geekery with a dash of pop culture. Andrew also contributes to Fine Gardening Magazine!

A lifelong gardener, Andrew started Oakleaf Green in 2009, with the philosophy that the crux of every 21st century design problem is our role as stewards of the Earth. Through Oakleaf Green he offers accredited organic design/build services with a focus on planting design and specification.

Connect with Andrew at LinkedIn, or follow him on Twitter.


Christina Salwitz

Christina Salwitz – Renton, WA


Christina Salwitz is a home garden training specialist

Christina provides every level of gardener with a fresh and objective perspective on their special needs. By focusing on organic methods, improving soil quality, pruning technique and seasonal focus, Christina translates “garden speak” into a language that gets people of all ages excited about achieving their gardening dreams! Christina has a fun, dynamic and enthusiastic approach to teaching. She has a unique and way of connecting to clients and students to make them feel like they can do anything! Her unique style is crafted through leading numerous Technical College courses, seminars for garden clubs, radio shows, and many articles that she has written for various gardening publications. With her experience in world-class nurseries for the more than twenty years, Christina has heard it all! Specializing in instructing adult gardeners, experienced or not, in how to become a confident gardener. With an exceptional focus on saving each client MONEY, TIME and LABOR, she has become foremost in gardening education for many years. Christine Blogs at The Personal Garden Coach.


David Cristiani – Albequerque, NM


David Critiani

David Cristiani, author of the blog The Desert EdgeDavid has over 20 years of experience designing outdoor environments in the Southwest. His projects include a variety of resource-conservative commercial, institutional, and residential designs. David has merged the practice of landscape design with his knowledge of climate and the study of arid-region plant geography and species composition. This unique insight has proved valuable for both site-specific design work and for assisting regional growers, by collecting seed and cuttings for large-scale production of promising high desert plant introductions.


Debbie Roberts

Debbie Roberts – Stamford, CT

A lifelong love of digging in the dirt eventually lead Debbie Roberts to a career as a professional landscape designer. Debbie is the owner of Roberts & Roberts Landscape and Garden Design, where she specializes in designing low-resource sustainable gardens to complement each client’s unique lifestyle.  Her own garden, located in southwestern Connecticut, is used to test and trial plants and gain as much hands-on experience as possible so she can pass it along as a garden coach and in the garden design classes she teaches.

Debbie is a founding member of the Connecticut chapter of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Her articles about gardening and landscape design have appeared in a variety of regional magazines and newspapers.  Debbie shares her thoughts on gardening and design at A Garden of Possibilities.


Deborah Silver – Detroit, MI

Deborah Silver

Deborah resides and works in southeastern Michigan.  She has been the owner and design principal for her landscape and garden design firm, Deborah Silver and Co Inc, since 1986. Her shop, Detroit Garden Works, is devoted to offering fine ornament and specialty plants to gardeners nation-wide.  She designs and manufactures garden ornament of all kinds in steel, concrete and wood at a third company, The Branch Studio. She writes regularly about topics related to the landscape and garden on her blog Dirt Simple.


Douglas Owens-Pike

Douglas Owens-Pike – Minneapolis, MN

Following his MS degree in plant ecology at the University of Washington, Douglas Owens-Pike looked around, could find little evidence of landscapes designed for the health of our planet, and founded EnergyScapes in 1989.  We plan, transform and nurture landscapes for beauty and sustainability.  Doug writes about and teaches these principles in forums including: MN Landscape Arboretum, MN DNR, MN State Hort Soc, Friends of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden, and the Association of Professional Landscape Designers.


Genevieve Schmidt

Genevieve Schmidt – Arcata, CA

Genevieve Schmidt does landscape design, garden coaching, and fine landscape maintenance in the redwoods of Northern California. She approaches landscape design with an eye towards sustainability and usability, and her experience running a skilled landscape maintenance crew means that her gardens are fun to maintain, and function the way they are supposed to.

Read her garden musings and advice at North Coast Gardening, and see her work at Genevieve Schmidt Landscape Design. You can also follow Genevieve on Twitter.


Ivette Soler

Ivette Soler – Los Angeles, CA

Ivette Soler, is a Southern California garden designer/consultant/writer who has a particular passion for succulents, food, and getting dirty! Her intricate, “Maximalist” plantings for Los Angeles design firm Elysian Landscapes have been featured in several major books and magazines including Garden Design, Metropolitan Home, Sunset, and House & Garden. Her writings on all things GARDEN have appeared in a variety of garden and shelter magazines, and her blogging as The Germinatrix brings her enthusiasm and plant mania to the vibrant internet gardening community.


Jenny Peterson – Austin, TX

Jenny Peterson

Jenny Peterson is the owner of J. Peterson Garden Design inAustin, Texas, a design-and-build company specializing in small space landscaping—patios & balconies, terraces, container gardening and smaller urban and suburban settings.  JPGD is committed to organic methods and the practice of xeriscaping to conserve water.

In addition to landscape design, Jenny writes for her blog, jpetersongardendesign as well as for various lifestyle websites.


Jocelyn Chilvers

Jocelyn Chilvers – Denver, CO

Jocelyn Chilvers is a professional garden designer with a passion for creating beautiful landscapes that are lifestyle friendly and Colorado “green.”  A graduate of Colorado State University’s landscape horticulture/design program, Chilvers has over 25 years of experience helping clients in the Denver area enhance their outdoor environments.  She also lectures and teaches a range of design related classes at Denver Botanic Gardens, ProGreen Expo, and garden centers throughout the region.  Her work has been featured in numerous regional publications as well as Sunset’s Backyard Makeovers. Chilvers enjoys sharing her vision of the world of plants and garden design through her blog, The Art Garden.


Lesley Hegarty

Lesley Hegarty – Bristol, Avon, UK

After studying modern languages at university, careers in the Royal Navy and stock broking in the City of London, Lesley Hegarty’s interest in plants and design was ignited by taking on a rather unruly and very challenging garden full of potential and a great training ground for all things horticultural.

A Royal Horticultural Society Diploma in Horticulture and formal garden design training at the prestigious Pickard School followed and culminated in Lesley teaming up with Robert Webber to form The Hegarty Webber Partnership. Together they design a wide variety of gardens from country estates to city courtyards.

After advising clients on investment in stocks and shares, Lesley is finding much greater satisfaction in inspiring clients to realize the real joy and ‘guaranteed return’ to be gained from investing in their gardens.

Outside of work, Lesley enjoys music, playing tennis, all things French and an active family.

Website (and integral blog): The Hegarty Webber Partnership


Mary Gallagher Gray – Burke, VA

Mary Gallagher Gray

A northern Virginia native, Mary Gallagher Gray has always loved the outdoors and drawn great inspiration from nature.  This love, combined with the desire to pursue a creative profession, led her to dive headlong into the study of landscape design back in 2007.  Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Sustainable Landscaping at George Washington University, Mary also does freelance garden design and coaching  in the Metro DC area.

Mary is also a lifelong writer, and loves to muse about gardening, design, and the environment on her blog Black Walnut Dispatch.


Pam Penick – Austin, TX

Pam Penick Austin TX

A hot-zone gardener from Austin, Texas, Pam Penick is the owner/designer/garden coach at Penick Landscape Design, promoting creative design with native and adapted plants that thrive in Austin’s temperature extremes and drought/flood cycles. She’s also the author of Lawn Gone!: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard (expected publication in Spring 2013).

Pam’s award-winning blog, Digging, provides daily inspiration on topics as diverse as drought-tolerant plants, garden design, lawn alternatives, garden tours, and garden happenings in Austin and her own back yard. Her articles have appeared in Fine Gardening and other publications, and her photographs have been published in various books and magazines. Follow Pam on Twitter and Pinterest, and “Like” her Facebook pages for Digging and Lawn Alternatives.


Rebecca Sweet

Rebecca Sweet – Los Altos, CA

Rebecca Sweet lives in Northern California and is founder of the garden design firm Harmony in the Garden. Rebecca’s signature style is ‘California Fusion’ – a style that blends a client’s personal desires with regionally appropriate plants.  In Northern California, this means having a garden that is lush yet drought tolerant – able to withstand the area’s long dry summers. Rebecca’s gardens have been featured in several local publications as well as national magazines such as Fine Gardening.  Join her at Gossip In The Garden, her entertaining yet informative blog, to read more about all things gardening.


Robert Webber

Robert Webber -Bristol, Avon, UK

Robert Webber grew up in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. He read modern history at university, but after 10 years in the City of London in international banking he returned to his ‘roots’ and retrained in amenity horticulture at Cannington College, Somerset. After 13 years as Head Gardener of Bristol University Botanic Garden, he left to train as a garden designer, living proof that Arians do re-invent themselves.

Robert now works with Lesley Hegarty in their garden design partnership based in Bristol and North Somerset. Their design ethos combines rigorous attention to the client brief, context and plantsmanship, with an imaginative use of space and a contemporary twist. They have designed as far afield as Scotland and Tuscany.

Left to his own devices and with a deep enough pot of money Robert would become a serious art collector.

Website (and integral blog): The Hegarty Webber Partnership


Rochelle Greayer

Rochelle Greayer – Boston, MA

Boston Based, but world minded Rochelle Greayer, is a design obsessed garden creator, writer and ‘go local’ advocate. She is the owner of Greayer Design Associates, founder of multiple farmers markets and the editor of Studio ‘g’, a landscape design blog full of ideas for creating unique gardens. Rochelle is one of the co-authors of The Garden Makers Manual and The Garden Design Workbook, as well as a regular contributor to Landscape Middle East Magazine.  She has won numerous design awards including a Bronze Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society for a show garden at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in England. Her work has been featured in Better Homes and Gardens, Design New England, and Landscape Architecture magazines among others.  Connect with Rochelle through the Studio ‘g’ group page on Facebook or on Twitter.


Scott Hokunson – Granby, CT

Scott Hokunson

Scott Hokunson, designer and principle behind Blue Heron Landscape Design, has been creating landscapes since 1981, and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to each project. A proponent of natural and sustainable principles, Scott works closely with his clients to create elegant outdoor living spaces, minimizing the impact on the environment through all phases of the project, including ongoing stewardship.

Scott is also a garden writer, whose work has been featured in Fine Gardening Magazine and Connecticut Gardener Magazine. He writes the company blog Blue Heron Landscapes, and is a founding member of the international garden design blog Garden Designers Roundtable.

Scott lectures to garden clubs and other interested organizations on garden design, plants and gardening, and in 2011, he served as an advisor to a class on Sustainable Landscape Design at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.

Since 2009, Scott has been co-host and designer for The Ultimate Backyard Makeover show on FoxCT. The show airs on Father’s Day weekend.

Follow Scott on Twitter, and connect with him on LinkedIn. Become a fan of Blue Heron Landscape Design on Facebook!


Shirley Bovshow

Shirley Bovshow – Los Angeles, CA

Shirley Bovshow is an in-demand landscape designer in California as well as a nationally- recognized garden television host and new garden media broadcaster. Shirley describes her approach to landscape design as “out of the box,” (she drags a ladder around new projects to envision the yard from different heights) and demands “multi-purpose” function from her landscapes.

“It’s not good enough that a landscape stand there and ‘look pretty!’  It has to do something for me! Feed me! Save me some money on the water and electricity bill! Function as a sanctuary and entertaining showplace!  Increase the value of my home!” Shirley commands.

Check out Shirley’s website her syndicated blo g, Eden Makers and watch her trailblazing online garden TV show, the Garden World Report.


Susan Cohan

Susan Cohan – Chatham, NJ

Susan Cohan, APLD, is a woman with an opinion.  A landscape designer blogging as Miss R, she is a lover of the land, passionate about design and living a creative life.

Her boutique landscape design studio, Susan Cohan Gardens specializes in residential landscape design and creating artfully designed spaces for outdoor living.  Susan is an active user of social media… some of the many places you connect with her are Twitter, Facebook, Susan aka Miss R, or just see more eye candy on her Flickr page.


Susan Morrison

Susan Morrison – East Bay, CA

Susan Morrison is the owner of Creative Exteriors Landscape Design, a residential garden design firm located in the East Bay of Northern California. She is passionate about creating sustainable designs for both traditional and New California gardens. While puttering around online one day, Susan came upon the infamous Stewart Brand quote “information wants to be free.”  Through her Blue Planet Garden Blog and as a founding member of the Lawn Reform Coalition, she has taken this philosophy to heart. She speaks regularly in the Bay Area on design principles, sustainable gardening and lawn-free landscape design, and has been interviewed in such publications as the San Francisco Chronicle and the Contra Costa Times.  As a Master Gardener and a Bay Friendly Qualified Landscape Designer, Susan participates in various educational projects throughout the year.


Thomas Rainer – Arlington, VA

Thomas Rainer

Thomas Rainer is a registered landscape architect, teacher, and writer. He is a passionate advocate for an ecologically expressive design aesthetic that does not imitate nature, but interprets it. Thomas has designed landscapes for the U.S. Capitol grounds, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and The New York Botanical Garden, as well as over 80 gardens from Maine to Florida.

You can find his musings on the form, meaning, and expression of designed landscapes, at his blog Grounded Design



Sunday Opinion: Free And Clear

I was born and raised on the east side of Detroit-within shouting distance of the Chrysler assembly plant; this would be in the mid-fifties.  I will state up front I am a product of a local culture that designed, manufactured, and revolved and prospered some 90 years since Henry Ford rolled out his Model A.  The Woodward Dream Cruise which attracts car afficianados from all over the country is a festival, a celebration, and a homecoming all rolled into one.  I have friends and family focused on horsepower; my love of cars is rooted in the evolution of their sculpture.  I love the shapes of the old Porches, and their leather trunk details.  I love the new Porsche Boxter whose roof folds neatly into the trunk at the push of a button. The seat of my Suburban is adjustable in every dimension, making a long drive comfortable-and of course I haul the Corgis in it every day. The glass is incredibly clear; the paint is tough. It looks like a work truck-inside and out. The big muscle cars-the Chevrolet Camaro, the Pontiac GTO, the Dodge Charger and the Oldsmobile 442 rocketed plenty of Americans around the block and then some. The new Zr-1 Corvette, on a par with the best that Farrari or Lamborghini has to offer, delivers 650 horsepower at the rear wheels-and rolls that power out with the dignity of a Rolls Royce. So ok, I keep up a little about cars; I am a Detroiter.

When I was 17, my Father begrudingly gave me a car-a red 1966 Dodge Dart with a push button transmission. How I loved that car!  That car survived my teenhood, and went on to serve my Uncle Don until it stopped dead in its tracks after running amiably for 350,000 miles. Eventually my idea of a car came to be that reliable means by which I get from one place to another, over a long period of time. 

I do not own a car now; I own a fleet of trucks that enables me to do the work that needs getting done. They haul materials.  They transport crews. My Ford 450 dump truck has transported tons of brick, decomposed granite, and bark. We fill it with the remains of the year’s container plantings, and drive that debris to the compost pile, and dump.  Loaded to the top with mulch and tools, it has enough power left over to pull my trailer, loaded with my 2000 Bobcat skid steer. That rig weighs in at just under 22,000 pounds. Another day it may be transporting trees or evergreens. The pickup trucks haul shrubs, perennials, and more tools-maybe my 15 year old Honda rototiller, or a compactor for compressing granite.  The Chevy Suburban may drop off the two hydrangeas or the 10 bags of soil we are short on a job.  It has room for pots too fragile to transport in a truck; my two Corgis go to work every day and come home every night in what I affectionately call “the bus”. Marv Wiegand has one at his growing farm in Richmond with 350,000 miles on it; I have the same plan for mine. When it won’t run any more, I might just find a good spot for it, roll the windows down, torch off the roof, and plant it.  

I own two box trucks compete with hydraulic lift gates.  Those lift gates make it possible to get garden ornaments much too heavy for a man to handle onto a truck for delivery.  I sometimes load one with racks that hold flats and four inch annuals.  Some rocking GMC designer put a translucent plastic roof in it; you can see everything you have aboard.  I bought the first one in 2002, the second in 2005.  The engine is made by Isuzu; I have made two minor repairs to them in the eleven years between them. My newest truck-a Dodge Sprinter.  This extra long van is tall enough to accomodate someone over six feet tall-standing up.  If you have ever owned a van in which you have to bend over to get from one end to the other, you understand what a blessing this is.  The diesel engine is the only Mercedes Benz I am ever likely to own; I drove to Texas once on 2.5 tanks of gas. It efficiently hauls big and tall things; I can fold the shelves up parallel to the walls and deliver all the flower arrangements for all but the largest events.  As it turns out, I have a Sprinter load of flowers going to the Detroit Opera Theatre for an event today. Neither my crew nor my Sprinter minds an occasional Sunday gig.

These vehicles deliver what I need day after day-no complaints. Once in a blue moon a vehicle will have a problem.  The people who service trucks understand that you cannot operate without them; their service is excellent.  Though the Sprinter will lock up if you let the fuel get too low, they are not as a group, temperamental.  The three trucks I have replaced since 1990 I gave away; they still ran.  My trucks work how I work-every day, day after day.  Over the winter, we service them so they are ready to go in the spring.  Sure they need oil changes and new tires, but by and large they work, and go on working.  My biggest expense-the commercial licenses.  The plates for the box trucks alone are 1000.00 a year. I like knowing these trucks provide revenue to the State that enables them to maintain the roads.  How they deliver is not a hit or miss; my trucks I can rely on.  What I can rely on is an important topic when you are running a business. 

There has been plenty of hoopla and a lot of talk about the automobile companies since last September.  My two cents on the topic is that these companies produce very fine vehicles that have make it possible for me to earn a living. I think people who dismiss GM or Ford or Chrysler with the wave of a hand have never needed a truck to make a living. I also doubt they would be interested in doing without those things that trucks make possible-like the vegetables that get to the farmer’s market.  The truck owned by the refrigerator repair man means you don’t have to take your refrigerator in for service.  There are a lot of American trucks out there reliably performing all kinds of work-for farmers, gardeners, contractors, firemen-the list of people who need good trucks is long.  The American auto companies have delivered plenty; they understand what American working people need in a truck. My Ford 450 is nine years old now; every year my salesperson calls to ask if I am ready to replace it. I tell him thank you, but I have no need for a new one. 

I am writing about this today, as yesterday I paid off my last vehicle.  I own all my vehicles now, free and clear.  Best of all, I know they have a long life ahead of them. I call that efficient-when what you get keeps on going long after you’ve finished paying for it.