My Friday, This Mid May

I apologize for my morning’s post rife with spelling errors-but it is a sign of my times.    I have just now edited that post-go back, should you have a mind to.  Mid May-there are not enough hours in the day to sort out and properly respond to everything how I would like. I have lots of marbles on the table-all of them threatening to fall off, lest I scoop them up.  I am scooping, as fast as I can.

Delphine Gitterman, the shining star of that most fabulous French garden blog Paradis Express, has linked to me twice in the past week-do you read her?  If not, sign up.  Her images, her point of view-will change your  gardening life.  Interested in the visual?   Her point of view is like nothing I have ever entertained.  I could not be more pleased that she follows my work.  She draws images from every visual discipline that interests her; should you miss two days, you are pages behind.  I read her every day-enough said. 

This greatly benign spring, the heavy rain, the warm temperatures-enjoy the rush, as I am.  I am caught up in the best spring rush it has ever been my privilege to participate in.    Rushing to catch up,  are you?  Me, too.


  1. You are busy! Its funny how spring moves so fast. Try this for the link.

  2. dave bockman says

    I appreciate you exposing me to Mme Gitterman’s blog, it’s truly wonderful– but I have to say find your work absolutely breathtaking and inspirational, Deborah.

  3. Sheila H says

    It’s been insane lately. I finally had a moment to sit down and read my garden blogs and already I find that I have 4 blogs of yours to catch up!!

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