Our spring garden fair weekend is just underway. We invite nurseries and growers in our area to come and set up for the weekend, and sell their plants. After all, the best part of spring is the garden coming back to life. If you are in our area, stop by. The fair is loads of fun, and we have some great plants available this year. To follow, a few preview pictures.
primula, English daisies and violas
setting up the fair
red lettuce and angelina
spring flowering bulbs
ready for company
aagreen container plantings
English daisies
crate of chard and lettuce
Spring container plantings with lemon cypress
tub of violas
blue succulents
Howard’s ready for you!
I wish I could be there. Have a blast.
First off … I want one of those blue succulents. Second of all, I love how every single thing you touch is designed. You can tell how much pride you take in your work and your store just by looking at how you display plants and items for your fair. I do so wish I were closer!