At A Glance: Enjoying The Spring Season

Maystrawberries and phlox

spring dayespaliered apples

spring potsspring pots

dogwood and azaleasdogwoods and azaleas

spring basketspring basket


spruce and helleboresspruces and hellebores

spring plantingbok choy

late tuliplate tulip

new hosta leavesnew hosta leaves


  1. Beautiful…love you post and ideas…Thanks Judy

  2. Oh, Sun on Detroit ! thank you for the colors, the flowers and the light. Here, we have the worst spring since 10 years. Rain, grey sky, cold. Everybody looks sad…

  3. Lovely spring pics! It’s hard to believe that your ground was covered by snow just a short time ago.

    • Deborah Silver says

      Kris, The transition from winter to spring-very fast-shockingly fast. Today-90 degrees. I am making a concerted effort to take the time to enjoy the spring. The redbuds and lilacs have been especially beautiful. Deborah

  4. What is the green shrub in the spring pots pix in your blog?

  5. Shannon says

    Lovely! What is the purple flower around the cypress tree?

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