Roses Representing

roserep1My little collection of roses is starting to “represent”, as my Texas friend would say.  I only grow a few.  The dwarf climber Jeanne LaJoie is perfectly hardy and willing  for me; it does not mind at all being planted with the electric meter.  Mini-Jeanne  is paired with a voluptuous large flowered climber named Eden-the flower is so beautiful, and the plant is  so-so for me, although the foliage seems healthy.  This large flowered climber, also known as Pierre de Ronsard, and bred by Meilland in 1987, hasn’t flowered yet-but it is showy.


I grow the shrub rose “Carefree Beauty”  for good, and sentimental reasons.  Griffith Buck bred very hardy, very sturdy shrub roses-this is one of my favorites.  I alternate this with his rose “Earthsong”.  Some say its better than “Carefree Beauty-I can’t tell. But if your interest is in a low maintenance rose, these qualify.  The tall ,English bred shrub rose “Sally Holmes” has gorgeous peach buds, and large single white flowers; I have been growing it for years. One year it died back almost entirely to the ground, but came back.


I am not a rosarian by any means.  I am not really crazy about rose gardens either. But I do like roses in a mixed border. Roses are such prima donnas-they sulk if there’s anything growing at their feet.  So I try to keep my white Japanese anemones, and boltonia out of their hair.  I wouldn’t want to do without a few roses.

The Transmission of Knowledge


Dr. Waring, a professor I had in English literature in college, once said he thought the transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next was the most important organizing metaphor for a life properly lived.  I have no memory of what this was in reference to-nor do I know why I do have a strong enough memory of him having said this such that I still remember it 38 years later.  For my 25th birthday, my Mom took me to the National Peony Show at the Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio.  My strongest memory of that trip were how many people-probably then the age I am now-were so pleased that a person as young as myself was interested in peonies.  At my age, I sometimes worry that not enough young people will become interested and active gardeners; what a shame if the beautiful peonies bred over the last 100 years were to no longer be grown.  This is very similar to the numbers of gardeners who are interested in preserving  heirloom varieties of tomatoes, or antique roses, or heirloom apples.  It is a very natural and right thing to transmit the knowledge of the plants, and how they are grown, to the next generation.

I will be the first to admit that I see very few young people interested in what I do and cherish.  I don’t pretend to understand what they are interested in, although I do remember being a completely self absorbed pain to my Mom, when I was that young.   Nonetheless, she managed to get me interested in plants at a very early age-before I got to that “age of attitude”. I had my own private garden at 6, which I kept-and she stayed out of-until I got to be 16, and sociable;  gardening is a fairly solitary pursuit.  No more garden for me until I was out of college.  When I got to be an older young person, something clicked in.  I became obsessed with growing tall bearded iris and peonies.  So every young person I meet, I try encourage them to make something grow-you never know when that might surface in them, long after your effort.

Tinkering With Carmine

tuesday11I know I posted however many days ago,  that I was planting my pots purple and orange.  Sounds hideous, doesn’t it?  I was cringing as much as I was looking forward to it. I got the first sonic orange New Guinea impatiens in the ground, and thought I would throw up. Someone years ago told me orange was the color of hysteria-and I was starting to believe it.  Could I come home and be charmed by hysteria generated by my own hand?


So tonight was the third after work night I have been planting. It only takes me 3 days of routine to settle into something and focus on it.  So tonight I realize I am not planting the color purple at all with orange-the subject of my interest is the color I call carmine.  Carmine Sonata cosmos-does the name alone not stir you?  Purple callipets.  Persian Shields.  A certain carmine dinner plate dahlia whose name I cannot this minute recall. A trailing verbena-dark purple on the label-but carmine is the color.tuesday3

Carmine is a purple suffused with red.  So much different than blue-purples-like heliotrope, verbena bonariensis, blue wave petunias, or purple angelonia.  Carmine is a warm red-purple,  to my eye. It is all the more intensely red-violet, when paired with brilliant oranges-true oranges, or peach.   Maybe I would call these oranges on the blue side-rather than the yellow side. I could not say if color is my most favorite design element; there is a lot to love about every element of design.   But I will admit the fact that I am able to see color delights me to no end.


Some combinations of carmine and orange I had to see in person to know whether it enchanted me.  Some combinations I knew from long experience  I would like -but most of all of this I have been fretting over like its the first planting I have ever done. Its a life for me.  Exposure to color in plants is a luxury for my clients-they have jobs, spouses, kids, dogs, volunteer commitments etc-so they look to me to see the color, and put it together for them.  What they get from me is not much different than what they get from  the mechanic who diagnoses the problem with a car, or an air conditioner, or a gate latch, or a washing machine.  What is different is that what what works is what  looks good to them-never mind understanding color relationships.  I don’t repair things-I make things.

For me personally, I learn things about color and color relationships all the time.  Every year, for as many years as I can remember.  I think I am able to do this learning,  as I am able to focus on something-and shut everything else out.  This is a gift I do not know who to thank for; it came standard issue.  tuesday5

For anyone designing for themselves, I would recommend a routine-any small and modest routine is good.  Haul plants around the nursery.  Cut out pictures of plants in the colors you like.  Put plants together in the cart-before you buy.  If your idea seems cuckoo-don’t faint.  Park your kids with a staff person. Put off anything that isn’t critical, and concentrate.  Follow your ideas for a good while.  If it seems not to be working, be confident enough to regroup-no tears.  This is not foreign policy or brain surgery-this is about what is a happy and satisfying activity.  Don’t give up until the last minute.  In the last minute, should you change your mind-this is fine. tuesday6

Most of all, steal a little time from all your other committments  to focus on this gardening thing that means so much to you.  I am still interested, after 25 years, in what means so much about a garden. As no one will ever care about your garden as much as you do-this means more than I do-make some time for what makes you happy.  This will be time well spent.


texture1Texture is such an exciting element in plants-and plantings.  Defined by Wikipedia as “an identifying quality”, or the “appearance and feel of a surface”, the texture of a plant can be about its appearance.  Some plants are shiny leaved; some have felted leaves.  Some leaves and flowers are thin (sometimes referred to as “substance”) and some are thick and juicy looking. Some leaves are wisy and airy looking-others are big and broad-and look as though even a big wind wouldn’t disturb them. This kale is ultra-crinkled-beautiful.

texture2Texture can also refer to how a plant feels to the touch-who could resist touching this scotch moss?  Contrasting textures can make for a lot of excitement in a planting-but even the relationship of one small texture to another can be interesting. 

texture3Some plantings where all the textures read similarly encourage focus on color, or mass.  The choice of plants very much dictates what about a plant or planting becomes the dominant element.  This box of grass, euphorbia Diamond Frost, thyme and sedum has that casual roadside weed look to it.  You notice the blue of the sedum first off, as the textures of all the plants are so similar.  There is a whole story here about little leaves. 

texture4Malabar spinach has thick, substantial leaves that are glossy and wrinkled.  This texture reads all the more strongly for its pairing with the diminuitive felted stems and leaves of lime licorice. 

texture5The hunky, toothy, slighting menacing leaves of this cardoon are softened by the much less architectural “Dallas Blues” panicum grass-and the so sweet blue petunias.  The cardoon has a felted leaf-the panic grass is smooth and shiny.  Those blue petunias are along for the ride-and soften much the architecture of the cardoon-and the pot.

texture6Large flowers like zinnias and petunias have a simple texture, while its companion grass has a complex, texture-like fireworks. Diametrically opposed to this delicately textured grass, caladiums and this lime dieffenbachia have leaves so thin and so wide the sun shines through them; it looks like the lights are on in this very shady spot.  Identifying what about a particular plant you like will help a lot to inform your design with them.  Everyone knows texture.  Its the process of being conscious of it that can help make for inspired plantings .
