All of the pictures in this post came from companies in the US and Canada that grow peonies for sale. Interested in adding some to your garden? My local nurseries sell well rooted peonies in pots in the spring, but if you are interested in a specific cultivar, you may need to order from a peony grower for a bare root fall delivery.Either next spring, or the year after, or in my next life, I will have the chance to design a landscape around a collection of peonies. I have time.
Those nurseries that specialize in growing peonies for sale-support them. Buy some. A gardening world without peonies-dreary. The peonies blooming-so glorious.
This picture was taken at Martha Stewart’s peony garden, and posted on her blog. Truly beautiful.
Does Martha Stewart sell her peonies or are they just for her pleasure?
Her peonies are just for her pleasure, I believe.
I agree, peonies are magical and exquisite even with the ants! I love them.
Beautiful! Can you share a few resources where we can buy the bare-roots? Thanks! Janine
Janine, there are lots of places which you can easily find on line. I haven’t bought peonies in many years, so I can’t recommend a particular source.Maybe someone with direct knowledge will leaves you a message here. Thanks, Deborah
Janie – I’ve bought from a few sources over the years.
Khlem’s Song Sparrow Farm ( has a gorgeous collection, as do Peony’s Envy ( and Hidden Spring ( but they’re all a bit spendy.
The selection is much more limited and you have to buy a few roots at once, but the prices can’t be beat from Breck’s Wholesale ( or Van Engelen ( I’ve always gotten top quality products from them, but the reviews online are more mixed…
I absolutely love peonies. Unfortunately, the herbaceous varieties really don’t like southern California. (When I was younger and more foolish, I actually tried to simulate winter once using regular applications of ice cubes – it didn’t work.) I’m trying out one of the new Itoh peonies this year – my fingers are crossed that it blooms again next year.
White flower farm has a nice selection. One of my favorite flowers, oh the fragrance.
An excellent Canadian source for peonies is through Lindsay D’Aoust at She grows her own, really knows and understands peonies and is very helpful. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
I like them too – the NY Botanical Garden has an amazing collection of both herbaceous and tree peonies. Their tree peonies are all planted in rows though, in a lawn that has dappled light. While they are in bloom, it’s a spectacular display. Personally, I am clueless about how to work them into a satisfactory garden design, which is why I haven’t used them yet. Would love to see how you will use them, Deborah!
Klehm’s Song Sparrow Farm outside of Madison, WI is a fabulous source for herbaceous peonies and Japanese Itoh variety types. It is not a garden center, doing business by mail only. The catalog is like a sumptuous meal. OMG you will spend but the result is so worth it. Best of luck. Mary
Dear Mary, thanks for the referral! Deborah
Anyone who has experienced the shortlived exquisite beauty of peonies has a permanent impression that never leaves the senses. Deborah,maybe people would like to share the images of the Japanese tree peonies. they truly are almost a gift from heaven. Janet A
We’ve been to Klehm’s when the tree peonies were blooming — an incredible sight. One of my neighbors has little growing in her front yard; sometimes before I fall asleep I often design a garden for her property with lots of peonies. Maybe someday a gardener will live there and I will get to watch a transformation of that lot.
I live in california where I can buy those beuties to plant it on my graden
Dear Martha, you have to search the nurseries and farmer’s markets in your neighborhood-good luck to you! Best, Deborah