White Christmas

Christmas was two weeks ago, but just today I got the pictures from a special Christmas dinner.  Very close friends serve a Christmas dinner to friends that is as much a visual as a culinary happening.  I am always interested to see how they design their holiday fete.  Given that almost everything in my world is one shade of white or another right now, their white Christmas seems entirely appropriate  to our current state of affairs.
White in lots of different forms block out the centerpiece that runs the entire length of the table.

4The silver heart-I have one from them that matches this.






14Needless to say, they are both as passionate for their garden as they are for great design.






21Their vision of the Christmas holiday-extraordinary.


  1. Cara Kazanowski says

    very creative inclusion of non-traditional Christmas white objects — shells, sculptures, heads of cauliflower … but an animal skull? maybe it looked less out-of-place in person.

  2. Love the all white Christmas !!!!!

  3. Gorgeous. I covet those silver Rococo salt dishes. Haha tell your friends that should they ever decide to sell them, you know a buyer!

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Stephen, I have never known them to set a holiday table without those salt dishes. They are stunning, aren’t they? I will pass your comment along, but…. thanks for writing, Deborah

  4. Very festive…..lucky to be the ones who attend this celebration!

  5. Pam Bustamante says

    So beautiful. Your blog fascinates me. Your photography is extraordinary and your passion for your work and your garden are awe inspiring. I am not a gardener….but truly love reading your no-nonsense approach to gardening. You give me hope.
    I am a stitcher and am very curious about the names at each place setting. What are the papers (?) with names on them? Are they place cards? Are those french knots stitched on paper or is that cloth??? They are gorgeous.

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Pam, I may be speaking out of school, but I think the place cards are French knots stitched on very thick paper. Maybe cold pressed water color paper? I will find out for you. Thanks for writing, Deborah

      • Thanks for the positive feedback. I think that the place cards are one of the great successes of this year’s concept…and my partner made them all by hand. Very simple…a piece of heavy white paper with the guest’s name ghost printed on it…then hand punched/pricked front the back side with a pin and a nail. And this handiwork ends up tricking the eye into seeing stitched French knots !! Gotta love that. I, too, think that they are lovely. We will be making these again, for sure.

  6. Thank you for sharing. Takes my mind off of the -32 today.

  7. Beautiful.

  8. Wish I were this creative…but then I’m thankful you can share this with unknown followers. Lovely!

  9. Their attention to detail is amazing and your photos highlight certain elements in such an intriguing way. I would have loved to look things over at my leisure and enjoy the sights in the way I do visiting a garden.

  10. Everything is divine………those salt cellars might have been missing had I been invited!!!! Love the attention to detail! Not many people left who give a dinner like this……

  11. Erica McKoane says

    Thanks for the eye candy with each post; I look forward to it! The flocked tree with the pale color ornaments have a very delicate and frosty look. So creative and always great photography.

  12. What a beautiful, beautiful dinner party. Love the use of white in all its textures and elements.
    Imagine a ‘white’ menu — pork, mashed potatoes, white corn, white wine… well, a bit more color would be just as interesting.
    Thanks for the gorgeous photographs.

    • Deborah Silver says

      Terry, their photography is as lovely as their table, yes. I am always keen to see what they do. Deborah

  13. Beautiful and so different. Is the tree a real flocked or faux? I love the simple vintage ornaments they used. Thank you and your friends for sharing.

  14. Not sure what the snowballs and Christmas trees on table are. Please enlighten me. Very cool setting!

  15. The white skull goes well with the rest of the of the design, a bleak, barren, cold winter scene.
    Looks great. I do candle wicking too, but the name cards have the look of white, white icing and drawn with a decorating bag. It also looks like white glue, with glitter and allowed to dry. Just my 2 cents!

  16. Shelby Staples says

    Deborah – Love everything each day. Look forward to opening yours. But . . . must agree with Cara on the animal skull. Can’t think of anything Christmasey that could possibly require a animal skull or make me have a cozy feeling about eating at that table. Hope there was lots of colorful foods to offset the cold, unsettling look of this table and surroundings. Sorry.

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Shelby, everyone is entitled to, and has a valid point of view deserving of respect. Don’t be sorry for your opinion for one moment! That’s what makes the world go round. Thanks for writing, Deborah

  17. Simply love the flocking on the tree and greens. Something you do not see here in NY . France on the other hand was a flock fantasy last year.

  18. The skull appears to be a nod to Georgia O’Keefe. And, given the artistry of the two creative talents who developed this very special Christmas environment, it appears fitting. As you said, Deborah, you have to be there to see the beautiful endeavor as a whole. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I learn something new each time I read your blog. From what to wear when layering clothing before heading out to a deep freeze, to how best to feed my roses. I love it all. Happy New Year! Christine

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Christine, they have a world view which is all their own-and I respect that. Thank you so much for reading, best, Deborah

  19. I am constantly inspired by your words and images. This tablescape is cold and barren, yet so warm and inviting. Thank you for sharing. And thanks for how to make the place cards!

    • Deborah Silver says

      Dear Mare, thanks for your intriguing observation. I am so glad Michael wrote in to explain how the cards were done. Best, Deborah

  20. Deborah: What a treat to see these creative designs! The simple white is really not simple at all..The details are just amazing..What a beautiful setting for a winter dinner….

  21. I was hoping you would post pics from these friends – I’ve so enjoyed what’s been shared from the last several years. Another lovely variation on their theme.

  22. What a wonderful winter fantasy! So many things caught my eye, but especially the tree ornaments. I saw many of the ones I have from my mother and her mother; lots of special treasures on that tree. And I am woman whose husband thrilled her with a taxidermied crow on a sheep skull as a Christmas gift not too many years ago. Ya love ’em or hate ’em!

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