What will I plant?


I own three  glazed terra cotta pots from the Poterie de la Madeleine, located in  Anduze, in the south of France. Fourteen years ago I asked Madame Pellier to make me 3 Vases d’Anduze, in green, to ship along with a container load of pots I ordered for my store.  This is the classic French pot, inspired originally by the Italian garden pots of the Medici style, you see everywhere in France.  Decorated with the family crest medallions and floral and fruit swags, these pots are known to have been first produced in 1782. Traditionally, these pots were used as orangery pots, in which citrus trees were planted.  These glazed pots are produced in much the same way now as they were in the 18th century, by craftspeople of great talent and skill, by hand.   Many of the larger pots are signed on the bottom, and dated; there are indeed works of art, not just pots.


At 40 inches tall, and 28 inches in diameter, this is their largest pot-a number zero.  It took Madame Pellier 3 years to successfully “cook” 3 of these giant pots.  Rob tells me the hillside above the pottery was littered with number zero pots with my name on them,  that did not survive the firing process. For years these pots were placed in the front of the store, and planted for summer.  A few years ago I took them home.

whatplant3 I planted them with tall airy and graceful annuals, like a giant bouquet-this in stark contrast to the dark solid volumes of my evergreens.  I have had so much pleasure from these pots, and their history.  But this year I have made a change.  I have 3 new pots, from an English company manufacturing classic Italian designs in a weatherproof terra cotta colored concrete.�


I have a collection of classic and vintage Italian pots which I put out on my deck every year-of all the pots, urns and boxes I have had occasion to purchase for my store, the Italian pots are my personal favorites.  I love every swag, every face, every garland and putti.  Its all about the romance I have had and still have with gardening.  These new pots may not be Italian made, but their air of romance is authentic.  I left them out all this past, brutal winter; they weathered it just fine.  What is much on my mind right now?


What will I plant?


What do they ask for?


  1. Oh, Oh I am liking your new pots. This blog is becoming dangerous to read every morning!

  2. I can see why you like the Italian pots, they are beautiful. All I can say about the large pots is WOW!

  3. Those pots are gorgeous! Beautiful photos. Very inspiring. I’m always looking for ideas for containers. -Jackie

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